Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Origin of God

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Greetings! To all
You say you’re religious?
Acquainted with your bible?
Good! Have I got a story for you?
Not a biblical fairytale, but a truthful
treatise which 94 years finally taught me,
Curiosity is indispensable, and I appreciate your
interest in the origin of the bible’s fabulous God
and Allah which are aliases for Yahweh, the Jew’s
 notorious hero, who was unable to help them in
their many mortal contentions with Christians.
The origin of the Hebrew bible solves the origin
of its Yahweh and thereby deities God and Allah.
This eventuality has been accomplished and
I hope it helps; thank you for coming.




34,695 words. Copyright © 2011 Samuel Terrill Redwine Sr.
All rights are reserved.


Reason and truth resolves all “God” questions. I have found that “God” was a politically inspired fictional character in an ancient king’s tribal propaganda that was adopted as tribal legend, and later was adopted as: Genises Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy plus Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings; the original Holy Scriptures of today’s Hebrew bible.
Male superiority demeaned female brains and influence; men created professional proponents for mythical gods, despotic monarchs and three superficial faiths. I seek truth in all things; including man’s fascination with mythological deities; his disdain for intellectualism, his overt militancy, his neglect of planet Earth, and our global divisiveness. I believe the world in general and society in particular would be improved if all of us humans had the same color skin and spoke the same language. You say that situation is idealistic? But if there really was an intelligent benevolent “God”, it would have created an ideal situation in the beginning; instead of the thoughtless erratic happenstance of our natural evolutionary system of creating life.
Mohammed’s persuasion by Judaism’s & Christianity’s political success led his people to worship an imaginary god, suppress all knowledge and kill all nonbelievers, and like the Jews, they created a worldwide despotic religion.
My premise: Professional proponents of primitive mythical gods solved unfathomable conundrums with simple answers and outwitted us with deceitful divination plus conjuring an occult universe for the professional priests to exploit. Manipulating tyrannical monarchs’ fearful gods assured their subject’s allegiance by killing apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, proponents of other gods, etc. for a millennium, which convinced us that “God” exists; persuading our progeny to embrace an Abrahamic faith and worship a specious god, which enforced political leaders’ despotic dogma.  God-ideas involved us in more contention, persecutions, pre-meditated malicious slaughter, wars, etc. than all of our other idiosyncrasies. Today’s Christian hierarchy politically seeks to manage our nation’s government.
 My goal: introduce reason, truth, and honesty to blind-faith-believers, or else multitudes of “born again” Christian electorate will rescind our secular democracy, and retroact Christianity’s Dark Ages, (476-1000 CE), with its ancient inquisitions, persecutions and tyrannical death-dealing absolutism; exterminating apostates, blasphemers, infidels and other non-Christians. If this appears extreme; remember that in all history wherever clergy has managed government, they have all misrepresented their specious god’s power and overreacted to their own misperceived godly powers; they all resorted to tyranny; enforced by their believer’s fears and blind-faith.
This treatise is especially for our world’s billions of busy believers who have never questioned the authenticity of their deity or holy book, but who are curious and long for a more natural worldly life; unencumbered by the burden of clergy’s sanctified fallaciousness.
Welcome; be my guests, ring my bell, read my treatise and enjoy some freedom from your imagination’s vengeful tyrannical recriminating egomaniacal deity; whether it’s Yahweh, God or Allah. Challenge your blind-faith’s unknowns; its conjectures and suppositions with more rational conclusions and actual facts. At the end, treat yourself to my wine, which are my suggested words to live by; and then reconsider your situation. All three Abrahamic religions have the same precepts.




Fancy; fantasy; fable; fabulous; mythical: are fictitious or imaginary”.
Philosophy: “is the use of reason and argument in seeking truth and knowledge of reality, especially of the causes and nature of things and of the principles governing existence”.
Controversially: religion is the belief in a personal god or super-human controlling power to be obeyed and worshipped as the creators and rulers of the universe”; relying on blind-faith; avoiding reason, truth and knowledge; which is Absurd: defined as: “wildly illogical; laughable or ridiculous”.
Gods: “are any of the various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature. In a monotheistic religion, the single god is considered the creator and ruler of the universe, regarded as eternal, infinite, all powerful and all knowing”. Belief: is defined as a blind faith that mythological gods control the universe and our daily lives.
 Supernatural: is “that which exists or occurs outside the normal experience or knowledge of man; not explainable by the known forces or laws of nature”.
“The Enlightenment: was an eighteenth century European philosophical movement characterized by rationalism, an impetus toward learning, and a spirit of skepticism, and empiricism in social and political thought”
Science: is “systematized knowledge derived from observation, study and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied”.
Reason: means “to think coherently and logically; to draw inferences or conclusions from facts whether known or assumed”.
Freedom from Religion: Our constitution guarantees citizens diversity of lawful, non-seditious religions; and freedom from religion. Our nation’s founding fathers familiarity with tyrannical church-state relationships, led them to reject the idea for the multitudes, of voters, gathering to approve our new constitution; which would unite our confederated thirteen states. 
 Secularism’s doctrine: “disregards or rejects any form of religious faith; especially that religion and ecclesiastical affairs should not enter into the functions of the state”. Secularists advocate tolerant worldly views. We think that it is ignorant and unfair to inculcate the minds of little children with the fallacies inherent in any religious indoctrination.


The following quotations are from The Age of Reason; by Thomas Paine, an American Revolutionary patriot, (1737-1809); he succinctly, expresses what I wish to say.
 “IT has been my intention for several years past, to publish my thoughts upon religion; I am well aware of the difficulties that attend the subject, and from that consideration, had reserved it to a more advanced period of life. I intended it to be the last offering I should make to my fellow citizens of all nations, and that at a time when the purity of the motive that induced me to it could not admit of a question, even by those who might disapprove the work.”
“The circumstance—appertaining to compulsive systems of religion, and compulsive articles, of faith, has not only precipitated my intention, but rendered a work of this kind exceedingly necessary, lest in the general wreck of superstition, of false systems of government, and false theology, we lose sight of morality, [and] of humanity--- I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy. But, lest it should be supposed that I believe many other things in addition to these, I shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things I do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.”
“I do not mean by this declaration to condemn those who believe otherwise; they have the same right to their belief as I have to mine. But it is necessary to the happiness of man, that he be mentally faithful to himself. INFIDELITY does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving: it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe”.
“It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society.—in America, I saw the exceeding probability that a revolution in the system of government would be followed by a revolution in the system of religion. The adulterous connection of church and state, wherever it had taken place, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, had so effectually prohibited, by pains and penalties, every discussion upon established creeds, and upon first principles of religion, that until the system of government should be changed, those subjects could not be brought fairly and openly before the world; but that whenever this should be done, a revolution in the system of religion would follow”.
World revival of religious fundamentalism is perturbing. Fundamentalism’s dogmatic tenets are unlawful in the secular West. It is defined as: religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of everything in the bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals. The holy books  sanctify slaughtering apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods. Fundamentalism is limited to Islamic regimes, the most religious and the most violent societies on our planet. THINK about it.
 Following quotations are from: The Clash of Civilizations; by Samuel P. Huntington:
“Religion is the principal defining characteristic of civilizations”…..“Islam is a political ideology”…..“While at the macro level of world politics the primary clash of civilizations is between the West and the rest—at the micro or local level it is between Islam and all others”…..“Muslims make up about one-fifth of the world’s population but in the 1990s they [were] far more involved in intergroup violence than the people of any other civilization”. I have learned Islam is the most religious society on our planet; and that unfortunately America’s crisis is: we are the most religious of all Western democracies….. “The great religions of the world are all products of non-Western civilizations and in most cases antedate Western civilization. As the world moves out of its Western phase, the ideologies which typified late Western civilization decline, and their place is taken by religions and other culturally based forms of identity and commitment. The Westphalian [1648 treaty] separation of religion and internal politics, an idiosyncratic product of Western civilization is coming to an end, and religion, as Edward Mortimer suggests, is ‘increasingly likely to intrude into international affairs’. The intercivilizational clash of political ideas spawned by the West is being supplanted by an intercivilizational clash of culture and religion.—The late twentieth century has seen a global resurgence of religions around the world. That resurgence has involved the intensification of religious consciousness and the rise of fundamentalist movements. It has thus reinforced the differences among religions.—Christianity spreads primarily by conversion, Islam by conversion and reproduction.—The percentage of Christians in the world peaked at about thirty percent in the 1980s, leveled off, is now [1996] declining and will probably approximate about twenty five percent by 2025.—[T]he proportion of Muslims in the world will continue to increase dramatically, amounting to twenty percent of the world’s population by the turn of the century, surpassing the number of Christians some years later and probably accounting for about thirty percent of the world’s population by 2025”.
“Indigenization and the revival of religion are global phenomena. They have been most evident, however, in the cultural assertiveness and challenges to the West that have come from Asia and from Islam. These have been the dynamic civilizations of the last quarter of the twentieth century. The Islamic challenge is manifest in the pervasive cultural, social, and political resurgence of Islam in the Muslim world and the accompanying rejection of Western values and institutions. The Asian challenge is manifest in all the East Asian civilizations—Sinic, Japanese, Buddhist, and Muslim—and emphasizes their cultural differences from the West and, at times, the commonalities they share, often identified with Confucianism. Both Asians and Muslims stress the superiority of their cultures to Western culture. In contrast, people in other non-Western civilizations—Hindu, Orthodox, Latin American, African—may affirm the distinctive character of their cultures, but as of the mid-1990s had been hesitant about proclaiming their superiority to Western culture. Asia and Islam stand alone and at times together, in their increasingly confident assertiveness with respect to the West”.
“Related but different causes lie behind these challenges. Asian assertiveness is rooted in economic growth; Muslim assertiveness stems in considerable measure from social mobilization and population growth. Each of these challenges is having and will continue to have into the twenty-first century a highly destabilizing impact on global politics. The nature of those impacts, however, differs significantly. The economic development of China and other Asian societies provides their governments with both the incentives and the resources to become more demanding in their dealing with other countries, and particularly the expansion of the fifteen to twenty-four-year-old age cohort, provides recruits for fundamentalism, terrorism, insurgency, and migration. Economic growth threatens Muslim governments and non-Muslim societies.—To ignore the impact of the Islamic Resurgence on Eastern Hemisphere politics in the late twentieth century is equivalent to ignoring the impact of the Protestant Reformation on European politics in the late sixteenth century.—The Resurgence will also have shown that ‘Islam is the solution’ to the problems of morality, identity, meaning, and faith, but not to the problems of social injustice, political repression, economic backwardness, and military weakness. These failures could generate widespread disillusionment with political Islam, and a search for alternative ‘solutions’ to these problems”.
Life taught me: that following the golden rule is the first step toward world peace. It also taught me that the bible’s Judaic “God” teaches that divisiveness and revenge are sacred obligations, and was partial to Israelites in order to save them, but considering the ignominious history of the Jew’s, it is obvious: there has never been a Judaic God to save innocent Jewish children from unforgivable Christian hate, e.g., inquisitions, crusades and holocaust (See CHRISTIAN ANTI-JUDAISM).
My treatise explores reasons for humanity’s misconceptions about Yahweh, God, Allah, and their “Holy Books”. Where, when, who, how and why were the fabrications conceptualized?  Believers profess a blind-faith: that the bible’s perfidious god is our source of all goodness. It is absurd that alert people grovel and worship the bible’s egomaniacal, death-dealing spurious “God”. Deceitful interpretations by Abrahamic religions prompted my search for reasonable, reliable, concise and succinct explanations. I’ve not found an iota of tangible evidence supporting the bible’s authenticity, but there’s plenty of evidence explaining why the world is burdened with a plethora of blind-faith believers in the bible’s evil Judaic god and fanciful Jesus. It is because Judaism and Christianity each slaughtered nonbelievers for a thousand years, assuring the success of both religions, but who can abide blind-faith in a religion that murdered thousands of innocent people in order to gain its illogical imposition upon society, but considers family planning sinful?
The bible and Koran are obvious keys to believers’ blind-faith in irrational superficiality. How did gods originate? When, where, how, why and who proclaimed the Judaic god? Who composed the original Holy Scriptures of the Hebrew bible, and what motivated them? I have explored the questions and thought you would like to know the answers, which are explicitly and succinctly revealed in this treatise.


You say you don’t believe in evolution? Not surprising; a 2008 Gallup poll found that only 15% of Americans accepted the proposition that humans developed over millions of years; revealing our nation’s ignorance about our religious beliefs vs. our scientific facts; it is inimical for our future political wellbeing. Wait! Don’t leave; I’m working with 14 pt. font, zoomed 100%, on a 24 inch monitor in order to see punctuation, and I’m a little slow.
All living things on Earth are the consequence of natural evolution. Everything on Earth is NATURAL, except what man has wrought. “Survival of the fittest”, is best explained by noting that the total quantity of seeds, sperm, eggs, etc. produced is an excessive potential for Earthly life as it would far exceed our planet’s ability to support them all, but each one faces a life and death struggle against weather and all other living things, which permits only the fittest to survive and reproduce. These very natural progressions and mutations, for billions of years, gradually improved all living things. It began with single cell microorganisms, which evolved into today’s living things where each struggles, competing against all other living things. Man abetted evolution by selectively breeding his domestic plants and animals. Please consider this farfetched possibility: if a naive society persistently destroyed its most intelligent youth for a millennium it would gradually become less intelligent; this evolutionary fact is pertinent to my premise. The goddess of retributive justice, Nemesis, and primitive man conceived of professional proponents for mythological gods. Despotic monarchs, with the complicity of their specious gods, perfidiously manipulated and exploited ignorant gullible humankind.
Another given fact that’s essential to my premise, is our world’s plethora of nonthinkers and dearth of thinkers and their relationship to man’s ignoble fabrications of a mythological god and three superficial religions, which the nonthinkers worship, but thinkers are aware of man’s conspiratorial ideas; his conceptualizations seeking new opportunities to challenge fellowmen, etc. Since our beginning, the thinkers have explored and reasoned the true insignificance of despotic rulers’ menacing mythological gods. You’ll find, as you read further, that thinkers who professed disbelief, were murdered.
You say you’ve pondered the mysteries of the Judaic God and the bible to no avail? I’ll tell you what I am going to do; you see, about fifty years ago, after a family disaster, I lost faith when our church’s minister explained that this was “God’s” way of testing our faith. I was familiar enough with the bible to suspect that a god who destroyed the world’s entire population with a flood was neither benevolent nor forgiving, but was an egomaniacal pathological killer of all, excepting the Jews, which seemed inappropriate for a biblical “God”. Our minister confirmed my suspicions: that religion is illogical, but I presumed there was a logical explanation for Pentateuch’s incongruity and bible stories where the god commands Israel’s army to kill all enemies, including women, children and infants, but to save all female virgins for the army’s pleasure. A monstrous god that commands obeisant propitiation, but slaughters innocent foreign women, children, etc. is now acclaimed by most of our world’s people as their creator and daily guide. They fear it, grovel on their knees with reverent worship, and pray to it seeking the fatuous promise of eternal life. With no tangible evidence, except the bible and koran, this world-wide situation cries-out for reasonable explanations. For the past fifty years I have pondered and searched history for clues, but the bible and two extraordinary books, authored by Jewish professors, that were published early in this century, connected-the-dots, providing essential clues and motivation for the composition of a fabulous legend; an epical fable; which unequivocally solves the mystery about God.
 Marvin A. Sweeny’s book: King Josiah of Judah, The Lost Messiah of Israel; plus Israel Finkelstein’s and Neil Asher Silberman’s: The Bible Unearthed; plus our education problems and Islamic terrorism; inspired and prompted this treatise. Many postulate the bible’s origin. Amalgamated results from two centuries of explorations by archeologists and epigraphists reveal: the bible’s first books evolved from King Josiah of Judah’s politically inspired, tribal propaganda. Its leading character was portrayed as a hard-nosed, death-dealing tribal god which coerced Josiah’s subjects away from polytheism; assuring their allegiance by murdering apostates, blasphemers, etc. Josiah’s tribal propaganda reveals the origin of the Judaic God and Hebrew bible’s Pentateuch. Therefor I’m obligated to tell the story comprehensibly and convincingly, as it’s important to respond factually to the Abrahamic religions’ vacuous fatuous absurd beliefs.
The universe’s infiniteness is incomprehensible and crucial to what 94 years taught me. The Hubble’s powerful telescope, above the atmosphere, enables today’s astronomers to view the awesome cosmos billions of light-years away. Without countervailing evidence, we nonbelievers realize that it was not created for the exclusive convenience of Adam & Eve, or for the progeny of Abraham Isaac & Jacob.
Life taught: humankind is obligated to treat Earth, with respectful affection and I am obligated to treat others thoughtfully, honestly and politely, also that we are attracted to either of opposing poles; positively, by developing our natural desire for undiscriminating inclusiveness, creative-initiative, scientific inquiry and craving, for additional knowledge, or negatively, by foregoing inclusiveness, worldly knowledge, etc.; depending upon the bible’s fictional iniquitous, ruthlessly immoral, jealous and intolerantly divisive Judaic “God” that is proffered as a holy example for men to emulate.
Sunday school impressed “God’s altruism” on me, but as an adult, I could not imagine an egomaniacal, genocidal tyrannical “God” commanding believers to kill nonbelievers, even if the victim is a family member; it was unbelievable! Why was “God” portrayed so very iniquitously? I’m swimming upstream against vast currents of believers who inherited their faith from ancient ancestors who had been forced to believe in aristocracy’s wrathful god or die; their progeny taught children that “God” must be obeyed as He commands or they will be killed. Why do descendants worship the spurious god; why do Religion-Lites satiate them with self-righteous satisfaction; and why do Islamic regimes enforce King Josiah’s ossified vengeful dogma with totalitarianism? It’s all because the precepts of the bible & koran are from Josiah’s tribal propaganda, his fabulous biblical saga. Christianity and Muslimism were extrapolated from Judaism’s Holy Scriptures, whose origin I’ve deduced by correlating biblical clues with other information. bible scholars attest that the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy were composed during the reign of King Josiah of Judah and that after he was killed, his team of scholars revised it by adding Joshua, Judges, 1&2Samuel and 1&2Kings, during their exile in Babylon. This treatise notes Josiah’s self-aggrandizing biblical fable, where he proclaims himself Yahweh’s ideal, most righteous king, while denigrating other Israeli and Judahite kings; all in order to enhance and  strengthen his despotic reign. It’s a story I’ve long wanted to tell.
 Once upon a time, a long time ago, (2,659 years), in 648 BCE, Prince Josiah was born in the small Israelite kingdom of Judah. When he was 8 years old his father was assassinated. Josiah inherited the kingdom, reigned for 31 years, and inadvertently, created what we know as the Hebrew Bible’s first Holy Scriptures. Josiah did not author a Bible, but to survive polytheism’s evil divisiveness, and to impress his people with their epical uniqueness, his team of political and religious leaders composed a royal tract of tribal propaganda; his fabulous legend about his tribe’s mythical ancestors and a tribal god. Misunderstandings, resulting from the worship of polytheism’s disparate gods had destroyed earlier Judahite kings; so, to comprehend and appreciate Josiah’s political precariousness, we will explore Homo sapiens’ first experiences with a few of primitive polytheism’s numerous gods.


1.      As life’s decisions are influenced by the consequences of our earlier experiences, I wish to begin this narrative at our primordial spark of life, about 2.4 billion years ago; probably in the shallows of some African lake with a single cell microorganism, which through eons of time, multiplied, mutated, and developed through innumerable biological stages via natural selection, when only the fittest survive to repeat the reproductive process, known as evolution. Thenceforth, we reached the developmental stage of genus Homo or primate, and after developing the ability to stand erect and walk on two legs, we became what we now know to have been the species Homo erectus. During the Pleistocene geological age, when continental ice sheets were spreading and receding, our brain’s development made us the sagacious, discerning, wise and knowledgeable species, Homo sapiens.
2.     Mythological gods were important features of primitive humanity. It’s obvious that Homo erectus wasn’t interested in self-delusion. Indulgence with gods awaited arrival of us Homo sapiens’ exuberant curiosity before we questioned the how or why of our existence. “You are probably aware that our first fearsome gods were the terrifying unpredictable forces of nature”. Natural phenomena, our slowly developing intellects, imagination, etc. led us to ponder god-ideas and how to use occult powers, politically, to organize, lead, and manipulate tribal groups.
 3.     The “female principle was worshipped as Nature’s life-giving, energizing power”. Our mother Earth provided our sustenance. Our multi-millennial development sensitized us to our environment. The Earth’s mother was the Sun, which arose each morning as we did and traveled across the sky, keeping watch over her plant and animal life; nourishing us with warmth and rain. We eventually realized the Sun’s magnificent influence as the moving force that constituted the god-idea. The productive power in all plant and animal life emanated from the Sun, which we worshipped as nature’s great energizer; “god of light & life”, the source of creation; with the power to create life and to manipulate us with unanticipated rewards of goodness or punish us with nature’s fearsome outbursts. This is the source of our god-idea, where we first assigned occult powers to the sun and poisoned our minds with its mythologies. In an effort to satisfy its seemingly fanciful churlish whims, we performed rituals and made human sacrifices to worship and to appease or appeal to Sun; also festivals celebrating Sun’s summer and winter solstices and its spring and autumn equinoxes.  Sun could not be ignored. I’ve learned: Sun has never been wholly eliminated from the god-idea. It appears that early names of the gods were compounded or derived from words that originally meant the sun. We primitive ignorant males venerated fire and serpents; with no consideration for the lives of rival tribes. Vegetation was religiously significant, especially the Lotus and Fichus Religiosa or banyan trees; male and female designations were assigned to trees; most gods were considered as neither, but were thought to be androgynous.

4.     We men worshiped women as our Sun’s dearest creation, part of Sun’s vital system; our source of new lives; we considered them androgynous; their regenerative powers requiring only the Sun’s consent. Females were the political-social leaders of our communal groups. Sun-god accounted for children’s welfare and a mothers’ holy eminence was proportional to the new lives she had brought forth and to their wellbeing.
5.     We males were satisfied with matriarchal arrangements; convinced that female leadership served our best interests, we never felt the pangs of unsatisfied sexual desire and Sun-god received credit for women’s ability to create new lives. If our community needed new sons, we appealed to the Sun-god. We were not a part of female families, but lived separately as our community’s guardian-hunters; at puberty, boys were sent to live with us. Our matriarchal communities tolerated and accommodated males without jealousy. Women dominated, but welcomed men; their maternal instincts blossomed throughout that golden era, and communal life thrived, under their velvet yoke, but was destined to implode when nature’s secret was revealed. We thought Sun-god punished women, who failed to regularly bring forth a new life, so the disclosure was slow to materialize, but when we eventually saw the consequences of coition’s significance to our social position in our community, we lost our equiponderance and saw women through a new lens. Without our male cooperation, women were unable to create new lives, and we men were not complicit, but denied their divinity.  Stupidity poisoned our perspective, disposition, attitude and opportunities for congenial fornication; so men fought each other as we each collected women for our personal sexual service.
7.     We men were the gods required to produce the progeny necessary to satiate the sun-god. No longer the compliant gender; we were gods and we demanded women worship us. The yoni was no longer our sacred religious symbol; we men worshipped our own genitals; our favorite symbol was the phallus. Today’s places of worship feature towers, spires and minarets. The Washington Monument is another example, as well as New York City’s twin erections, the World Trade Center towers, destroyed by Islamic extremists. Significantly, today’s world’s tallest towers, i.e., symbolic phallic erections, are in Islamic countries; in addition to their minarets.
8.     Male testes have been man’s only god, since the end of primitive matriarchy. “After male reproductive power had become God, and when, through superstition and sensuality, the masses of the people had descended to the rank of slaves, monarchs, representing themselves to their ignorant subjects as the source of all blessings, even of life itself, appropriated the titles of the sun, and claimed for themselves the adoration which had formerly belonged to it”.
9.     After our awakening, when gender roles of the gods were reversed; female gods were out, and we male gods were in, depravity ruled; decency was the first casualty of our dominance. Male vanity, ego, pride, jealousy and greed, in addition to our stupidity, limited our scope of influence. We fought for our needs and desires as we could no longer depend upon the cooperation of women, and fellowmen were challenging competitors who formed contentious cliques vying for male leadership. Conniving ignorant primitive men originated religion in the jungles; voodooism, with fetishes, gods and mysterious rituals; it was sorcery, conceived to outwit less-witted humans. Professional medicine-men, shamans and priests perpetrated the scam throughout polytheism’s protracted historical period. We men were too obsessed with importance to consider women’s point of view; they were not part of religion’s hierarchy, but subdued and progeny belonged to men. All gods were male with male prerogatives; we fought and divided into competitive sects. Women were prostituted by the priests to support male religious sects and male homosexuals formed religious groups under the guise of celibacy. Professional priests, etc., successfully perpetuated this sordid con-game until ruling monarchs adopted the con’s potential with priests, and proclaimed specious gods that tyrannically enforced the king’s commands. The saga of young King Josiah of Judah, who inherited a divided nation, and sought freedom from polytheism’s many divisive gods, is my next chapter. Quotations and much information was gleaned from Eliza Burt Gamble’s: God Ideas of the Ancients.


1.     After our matriarchal-age, during our long period of professional male profligacy, “legends tell of the Jews being particularly depraved”, but chauvinism had reached its limits of credulity; natural disasters, e.g., the flood, were believed to be mythological gods’ response to our lasciviciousness, demanding reforms. Israelites were very clannish, but had no written tribal record. In late eighth and early seventh century BCE, their historical efforts to unite the tribes and fabricate their history still divides today’s semi-civilized religious world.
 2.     “We know that by the tenth century BCE a number of Israelite tribes from Mesopotamia had gradually settled in Canaan near the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and formed two small kingdoms, Israel in the northern agricultural area and Judah in the southern semi-desert region”.
3.     My story begins in 734 BCE, when Tiglathpileser 3, king of Assyria, (745-727 BCE), marched against King Pekah of Israel and King Rezin of Syria, (2Kings 15:29 &16:7-9); they made war against his vassal, King Ahaz of Judah. He punished Israel by carrying some of its people into exile, (2Kings 17:1-6). Israel was destroyed and taken in 722 BCE after a three year siege by Shalmaneser 4, king of Assyria (727-722 BCE) who enslaved Israel’s skilled people, moved them to Assyrian territories, replacing them with deportees. Numerous political leaders, scholars, scribes, priests and many others eluded capture, making their way to Jerusalem in Judah where King Hezekiah reigned over his scattered nomadic subjects. He died in 698 B.C.E; his 12 year old son, Manasseh, became king; reigned for 55 years. His son, Amon, became king at age 22; was assassinated in a palace coup when 24,  (2Kings 20-23); and 8 year old son, Josiah, inherited the kingdom in 640 BCE. As an astute eager young man, feeling his virility, he attributed his father’s death to his subjects’ worship of polytheism’s divisive gods. Fearing for his own life, he sought sanctification for his reign and at age 25 he renovated the temple, where a Torah scroll of tribal laws was found. In the intervening years, since Israel’s tragic loss, the migrants had developed a team of scholars seeking duties commensurate with their expertise; bible scholars assume Josiah’s team composed and planted the scroll to support his ideas for a monotheistic tribal god. The discovery initiated his reform program; he corrected the “cultic transgressions of his predecessors”, removed pagan worship sites, prohibited polytheism with its practice of “sacrificing small children on religious alters”, and dreamed of an influential Israelite community with an exclusive culture. His scholarly team provided an opportunity to initiate his visions. He aspired to coalesce, invigorate, motivate and inspire his people with tribal uniqueness, and to develop his own tribal god. To attain his exclusive god and thereby assure his people’s allegiance he strengthened his leadership; by urging his team to compose a legendary epical fable about a fearsome tyrannical tribal god, whose commands for righteous belief in Josiah as the fictional god’s ideal king and Earthly emissary or else death for apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods; which would assure the future of both his Israelite people and his little kingdom of Judah.  
4.     During a protracted period of time his team of scholars composed an inspirational conspiratorial fable; a tract of “royal political and religious tribal propaganda, as they imagined a retrospective of their history should have been”. How King Josiah’s alter ego, mythological Yahweh, created the world and its first inhabitants, Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, the sagas of sons Cain & Able and Noah & the flood. Yahweh chose Abraham to father a nation, through his son Isaac, whose own son Jacob’s twelve sons fathered the twelve tribes of Israel. While in Egypt, seeking succor from famine they multiplied, and were enslaved by the Pharaoh. It told of Moses’ birth and that Yahweh promised them a land of their own, overcame the mighty Pharaoh, helped them escape, provided tribal laws and for forty years guided their search, throughout Sinai, looking for the Promised Land. Moses didn’t survive their extended search but genocidal Yahweh intervened and Joshua destroyed Canaanite cities and killed everybody including children, allowing David and Solomon to base empires in Jerusalem.  The fable tells: that when Solomon died, Yahweh divided the twelve tribes; ten selected Jeroboam’s leadership and developed the nation of Israel. The remaining two tribes went with Reroboam’s Judah in the south, (1Kings 11-12). King Josiah fabricated his fabulous tale specifically to convince people of Yahweh’s personal relationship to Israeli tribes, but it failed to tell the factual early history of the two small kingdoms.
5.     Josiah’s fable was self-aggrandizing; his alter ego, Yahweh decreed Israelites his chosen people, Josiah the most righteous, ideal king and Jerusalem’s Temple the only legitimate place of worship. His fable also included Yahweh’s code of laws, (Deuteronomy); covering all aspects of tribal life, with threats of death for anyone who dared defy one of them; Yahweh also promised that King David’s progeny, which included Josiah, would rule Judah forever.
6.     The Egyptians developed dynastic empires as early as the forty fifth century BCE and left a history carved in stone. Epigraphists have found no record of the Israelite’s Egyptian bondage, lengthy search, or of Solomon’s “vast and glorious, forty year empire” except in Josiah’s legendary epical theological fable, known as his tribal propaganda; falsely claiming Judah’s dominance over “Israel” and,  events they imagined had happened more than a millennium earlier; its main themes were the Judahites righteous fidelity to Yahweh, the god’s disallowance of all other gods and prohibiting Israelites marrying  foreign women; indicating the ireful reaction of Yahweh; destroying nations, communities, individuals, etc. deemed undesirable by Josiah. His fabulous tale included deceptive ancient prophesies of recent genealogical and political relationships, which weren’t miraculous revelations, but deceitful aggregations of mythological adventures, which Josiah used for his tribal propaganda; its success was two-fold; (1) Yahweh sanctified King Josiah’s reign of Judah. (2) Yahweh commanded believers to kill nonbelievers, which assured the compliant allegiance of Josiah’s subjects, who treasured his fable as their tribe’s legendary epic.
7.     Josiah was 39 (609 BCE) when Pharaoh, Necho’s army killed him at Megiddo (2Kings 23:29), and Egypt reclaimed Judah. Necho, (2Kings 23-24); consecutively appointed Josiah’s sons; Jehoahaz age 23; Eliakim age25, known as Jehoiakim, then his son Jehoiachin age 18; followed by third son, Zedekiah age 21, as Kings of Judah. Crown prince Nebuchadnezzar, of Babylon, (Daniel 1:1-7); advanced to Jerusalem in 608, spared rebellious King Jehoiakim, but carried off several princes. Nebuchadnezzar was King of Babylon (608-562 BCE; 2Kings 24:1-16), conquered Jerusalem again. King Zedekiah (2Kings 24:20-25: 21) pledged allegiance to the Babylonian king, (Jeremiah 39:1-10); but proved disloyal, so Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem for nineteen months, ending in 586 BCE, executed community leaders, set fire to the city and took survivors into exile. They took their legendary epic with them into exile and reworked it. bible scholars know them as Deuteronomistic Histories; DtrH1, Josianic edition and DtrH2, exilic edition which includes subsequent history plus convoluted solutions to Yahweh’s promises to David & Josiah in the Josianic edition, which could no longer be fulfilled. Bible scholars have known about the revisions for centuries. The Josianic edition was in Hebrew, but corrections and additions were in Aramaic.
  8.     Forty eight years after Jerusalem’s  fall, Cyrus, Persia’s king, destroyed the Babylonian Empire in 538 BCE and issued a decree permitting Jews to return to Judah  (Ezra 1-10 & Nehemiah 1-2). They returned under aegis of Artaxerxes 1, king of Persia (464-424 BCE). Furnished with royal power, Ezra, in 458 BCE and Nehemiah in 444 BCE brought back exiles, rebuilt the wall, reestablished a Jewish community and with the exilic edition of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda for their Holy Scriptures, established new monotheistic Judaism. Monotheism’s doctrine: “there is one God who rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked; everyone must worship God as He commands or be killed”. Monotheism’s Holy Scriptures were: “Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These narrate the story of the people of Israel from the creation of the world, through the period of the flood and the patriarchs, to the Exodus from Egypt, the wanderings in the desert, the giving of the law at Sinai”.& “The Former Prophets—Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings—tell the story of the people of Israel from their crossing of the river Jordan, conquest of Canaan, through the rise and fall of the Israelite kingdoms, to their defeat and exile by Assyrians and Babylonians”. Holy Scriptures, became the Hebrew bible’s first books; followed by: “Writings, a collection of homilies, poems, prayers, proverbs and Psalms, apparently from the fifth to the second century BCE—in the Persian and Hellenistic periods”.
9.     The Persian Period (400-330 BCE);-----For about 150 years after Nehemiah’s time, the Persians controlled Judea; ruled by high priests who were responsible to the Jewish government, but the Jews were allowed to carry on their religious observances without interference.
10.     The Greek Period (330-166 BCE);-----In 333 BCE the Persian armies stationed in Macedonia were defeated by Alexander the Great. He was convinced that Greek culture was the one force that could unify the world. Alexander permitted the Jews to observe their laws and even granted them exemption from tribute or tax during their sabbatical years. When he built Alexander in Egypt, he encouraged Jews to live there and gave them some of the same privileges he gave his Greek subjects. The Greek conquest prepared the way for the translation of the Holy Scriptures (Old Testament) into Greek (Septuagint version) about 250 BCE.
11.     The Hasmonean Period (166-63 BCE);-----When this historical period began, the Jews were being greatly oppressed. The Polemics had been tolerant of the Jews and their religious practices, but the Seleucid rulers were determined to force Hellenism on them. Copies of the Scriptures were ordered destroyed and laws were enforced with extreme cruelty. The oppressed Jews revolted, led by Judas the Maccabee. The Syrians were defeated in a series of battles, which secured the independence of the province of Judea and were the foundation of the Hasmonean dynasty. This time period was filled with many political struggles and posed many problems to the religiously-oriented Jews.
12.     The Roman Period (63 BCE-CE 135);-----In year 63 BCE, Pompey, the Roman general, captured Jerusalem, and the provinces of Palestine became subject to Rome. Martin Goodman’s book; Rome and Jerusalem, describes in great detail how the Roman troops attacked a Jerusalem market in 66 CE, killing 3,600 including children and infants, beginning a cycle of increasing violence and rebellious Jewish mobs retaliating. “In the first months of the ensuing conflict in Jerusalem the Romans themselves were not directly involved. Factional strife within the Jewish population led to heavy loss of life”. For years the Jews harassed and killed Roman troops, which quietly withdrew, but the rebels cornered and devastated retreating troops; humiliating the empire, and delaying their attack until 70 CE, when a massive Roman army arrived outside Jerusalem’s walls and began a five month siege, starving and murdering rebellious inhabitants, then burned and leveled the entire city to the ground. “Rome continued its war against Judaism by refusing to allow Jews the freedom permitted to all ordinary subjects of the emperor, to rebuild their destroyed sanctuary”.  The resulting Jewish diaspora’s resentment disrupted surrounding regions with deadly attacks, impelling Roman over-reaction. “Jews in the Roman empire hated Roman rule”. The emperor Hadrian ruled (117-138). Early in his reign he visited Judaea. “The Judaea that Hadrian had in mind was not to be Jewish. ‘At Jerusalem, he founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the temple of the god he raised anew temple to Jupiter’.—Hadrian’s reformed province was to have at its heart, not a rebuilt Jewish Temple but a Roman colony, named ‘Aelia’ in recognition of his own family and himself and ‘Cappitolina’ in honor of Jupitor Capitolinus, whose cult was to be of central importance in the new city—war broke out because ‘the Jews deemed it intolerable that foreign races should be settled in their city and foreign religious rites planted there’. Aelia Capitolina was not to be refounded as a Greek city in which Jews might settle and be ‘civilized’, but as a Roman colony, inhabited by gentiles, from which Jews were to be excluded.—By planting a Roman Colony on the site where the Jewish Temple had once stood, he [Hadrian] made it crystal clear that the Temple was not to be rebuilt. Leaving the site of Jerusalem empty for sixty years had proven an invitation to the Jews to agitate for a return to their former glories”. While Hadrian was visiting his distant provinces in year 132, the Jews revolted and occupied their strengthened rural positions, underground refuges, etc. Hadrian’s best generals intercepted small groups; starved, exhausted and exterminated them. “In the event these Jewish fighters were to maintain their independence for some three and a half years, inflicting heavy losses on the Roman force sent to suppress them, until in 135 they were finally overwhelmed.—‘very few of the Jews in fact survived. Fifty of their most important outposts and nine hundred and eighty-five of their most famous villages were razed to the ground. Five hundred and eighty thousand men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease and fire was past finding out. Thus nearly the whole of Judaea was made desolate—many Romans, moreover perished in this war.’—After seventy years of tension and conflict, Jews could never again realistically hope to live in the Roman empire with the same freedom as other minorities to practice their ancestral customs and worship their God in their own land”.---- “When Augustus, the first Roman emperor (27 BCE-14 CE), died it was his divinity that was celebrated—the imperial cult, the worship of emperors dead and alive, rapidly became one of the most powerful forces toward the unification of the Roman world—some of the temples and altars dedicated to this worship were set up on local initiative, and can be seen as a means for provincials to make religious sense of the irruption of Roman power into the lives of their communities”. The city, Aelia Capitolina, flourished as the home of Rome’s legions. There had been no Jewish state for one hundred and seventy-five years, when in 306 CE Rome’s first Christian emperor ascended to power. In year 361 emperor Julian ordered reconstruction of the Temple, but it was soon stopped.
13.     Hebrew bible was translated into the Greek Septuagint, about 250 BCE More than 600 years later, Saint Jerome, (340?-420 CE), translated much of Septuagint into Latin. He then translated the Hebrew bible into Latin Vulgate and adopted it as the first part of Christianity’s canon. English versions are the Douay bible. At some point, the verses incriminating Yahweh were provided disingenuous excuses or else entirely removed.
14.     Martin Luther, (1483-1546), translated the New Testament into German. More than 1100 years after Saint Jerome’s translation, Luther, with collaborators tailored their translation of the Old Testament to his doctrine, which influenced William Tyndale’s English bible, a precursor of the King James 1 Version for Protestants, published in 1611 CE as the Authorized Version. In late nineteenth century, it was redacted, revised; and known as the Revised Version. In 1901 the KJV was revised again and called the American Standard Version. In the mid twentieth century, it was revised and renamed the Revised Standard Version. It was revised again in the early twenty first century as: Today’s New International Version; TNIV.
15.     The Hebrew bible, purports to represent historical events for two thousand tears, from the twentieth century BCE, until its completion by edict of the Rabbinical Council of Jamnia, 90 CE The Deuteronomistic History concocted by King Josiah was a deceitful ruse to convince his people that his alter ego, Yahweh, had guided their ancient ancestors and would protect them as long as they obeisantly worshipped only Yahweh and Josiah, the specious god’s Earthly emissary. His people needed to believe that their ancestors were epically heroic, and that Josiah’s kingdom was assured a great future with its exclusive tribal god, who later in the bible vicariously enjoys destroying enemies, e.g., commanding the Israelite army to kill them all, including children, but to save the virgins for their own pleasure. It was classic BS. King Josiah’s tribal propaganda’s tyrannical Yahweh is the Judaic “God”, which precludes the bible being the “word of God”. We know how the Jews fared with their fraudulent Yahweh during their consequential history of Christian, inquisitions, persecutions, executions, and midtwentyth century’s Holocaust; when some six million Jewish mothers, fathers and children were maliciously murdered with the Vatican’s active complicity. (See CHRISTIAN ANTI-JUDAISM).
16.      Ezra and Nehemiah adopted King Josiah’s tribal propaganda for Judaism’s Holy Scriptures, proclaiming their exclusive god, plus their ethnological superiority to rival kingdoms, believing that Yahweh’s commands to kill nonbelievers, etc. assured their tribe’s future, but mythological Yahweh’s egomaniacal stupidity and malevolent lust for blood has been a feverish boil on Israel’s bottom which inadvertently erupts disadvantageously. Yahweh’s sanctified killing of nonbelievers assured Judaism a successful first millennium; an egregious error that rid Jewish culture of its more astute discerning citizens which left the ignorant to propagate new believers, which explains our plethora of believers and dearth of thinkers. Subsequent political leaders sought Josiah’s tribal god because it sanctified the killing of nonbelievers, etc. Abetted by ambitious clergy, progeny adopted the specious beliefs and, in turn, propagated more ignorant believers. Our belief in “God” is an aberration requiring blind faith. Everything is possible, but blind faith by billions has caused innumerable conflicts that contentiously divide us. Another fact: men determined holiness, composed fables, legends, songs, dance, etc.; establishing the eminence of spurious gods. We are a restless people; a few seek knowledge; others remain devoid of knowledge, goals or beliefs; while the majority grovel on their knees, clinging to the  Big-Lie of devils in a nether world, and righteous gods up in the sky.
17.      Christianity is based on the Jesus fables, but Christians blamed the Jews for killing Jesus, vilifying all Hebrew. Christians persecuted and killed Jews unmercifully; multi-millions of the biblical “God’s own people” suffered a hell on earth because of Christian hate. Specious Yahweh’s egomaniacally dispassionate ineffectiveness disclaims the legendary Immaculate Conception of Jesus, by the discredited Judaic god, with a betrothed Jewish virgin.
18.      King Josiah‘s deceitful ruse, the bible’s early books, is the basis of Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity & Muslimism. Josiah did not seek to mislead posterity, but to coerce his people away from polytheism’s many gods by proclaiming his alter ego as their exclusive tribal god, for their psychological advantage; to unite, inspire and invigorate them; it also protected his personal security. Should Josiah be held accountable for the despoliation and desecration caused by a belief in the malevolent god of his pernicious ruse? Josiah was not composing Holy Scriptures, but unholy propaganda he deemed necessary to manage his Judahite kingdom.
19.    The exclusivity commanded by Yahweh is stupid, and is opposed to the heterogeneity necessary to sustain our existence on Earth. Portrayal of Yahweh as jealous, vengeful, etc. is why zealous believers are intolerant, unable to compromise, but must defend their spurious faiths until death. Doubts about the bible’s fables’ authenticity concerning the Israelites vis-vis Josiah’s tract, have always been with us. A search of biblical regions by scholars, epigraphists, archaeologists, and others, during the past two centuries uncovered a history much simpler than the bible’s fables; which are the only reference found of the  Patriarchs, the Exodus, the Conquest of Canaan, and the vast empires of David and Solomon. It’s obvious that literacy was limited to political aristocracy and to religion’s hierarchy; otherwise Josiah’s subjects would have been much more astute than history indicates; however it also indicates that multitudes of men have not improved, but remain susceptible to tales of supernatural, gods.
20.   The most egregious consequences of King Josiah’s self-aggrandizing pernicious ruse: is religion’s perpetration and perpetuation of his deception upon an ignorant gullible humanity for the past twenty six centuries. Why did the Israelites and progeny believe Josiah’s fables were Holy Scripture? What resulted, and why, after their ignominious history, is it considered sacred? It’s because semi-developed intellects follow paths of least resistance to resolve conundrums; and gods are simple solutions to unfathomable queries. Faith in a specious god does not require fully developed intellects, as ignorance, imagination, and emotion are sufficient; therefore: blind faith in mythological gods is inversely proportional to intelligence. One must read the bible, in order to comprehend Yahweh’s uncompromising barbarity toward all those who opposed the Jews. The god’s irrational stupid criminality is a strange unbelievable behavior for peace-loving people to emulate, but Josiah’s biblical fable has been believed by billions of the ignorant and gullible. We must remind ourselves that its unreasonableness is blatantly mythical and untrue. If it can’t be seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled, and if no facts have been established about it; what is it? It describes the gods of primitive men and ancient scheming monarchs; both were concocted in order to deceive semi-developed intellects. It is impossible to understand how “God” can be perceived as good because the bible’s portrayal is not commendable. To know “God’s” true character, one should take a few minutes and read brief chapter 31 in the bible’s book of Numbers, and then, please return to my treatise and continue the search for biblical truth.  Quotations and pertinent information were gleaned from: The Bible Unearthed, by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. Quotation in first paragraph is from Liza Burt Gamble’s: God Ideas of the Ancients. Quotations in paragraph 12 are from Martin Goodman’s: Rome and Jerusalem.


   1.     Almost 900 years after King Josiah concocted his mono-Judaic god, about 700 hundred years after the establishment of Judaism, and about three hundred years after the biblical crucifixion, Saint Jerome founded Christianity with his Vulgate bible and four contradicting fables describing Jesus’ fabulous life. They were composed in the late first and early second centuries of CE. One appears to be original; the others, careless copies; all especially fabricated in an attempt to counteract Yahweh’s brutality with his son Jesus, a more considerate benevolent god. Neither the authors nor Apostle Paul had known Jesus, but one of them fabricated an immaculate conception, and then described a young rabbi going about the countryside teaching transcendent views of Judaism and creating miracles, including a resurrection. Confirmable facts about Jesus and Yahweh are not extant as both were conceived by conspiratorial imaginations. Authors who have analyzed the bible reveal that historians, active when the purported Jesus performed miracles, do not mention Jesus in their extensive writings, e.g., the “Hellenistic Jewish philosopher of Alexandria, Philo (Judaeus), (20 BCE-50 CE)”, and other contemporaneous historians did not know about Jesus or stories about his supposed momentous miracles.
2.     Romans persecuted Christians before Constantine1, the emperor, (306-337 CE), converted to Christianity. He was aware that the bible’s sanctified slaughter of apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, etc. would help him organize & manage new Constantinople’s Eastern Roman Empire and Eastern Christian Church; on the west bank of the Bosporus; imposing Christianity upon his multitudes of pagans, enhancing his political career.
3.     Christianity’s fervor produced the “European Dark Ages, (476-1000), responsible for wide spread ignorance, pervasive poverty and cultural decline during a period of intellectual stagnation brought about when Christian regimes closed libraries, banned books, scientific inquiry, etc., impoverishing all human progress”. The world failed to regain the knowledge until many centuries afterward.
4.     During the Middle Ages, (476-1450), the medieval period of serfdom, governing authorities; kings, princes and land holding aristocracies found god-ideas essential to enforcing political control over people. Blind-faith in
Christianity was mandatory for everyone, especially serf tenant farmers who served land owners as knights, i.e., men-of-war-on-horses. Europe’s Holy Roman Empire, (800-1806), consisted of principalities controlled by their Emperor who condemned the Protestant reformation movement. [My Redwines departed the principality of Prussia in1709, when Queen Ann monetarily supported European Protestants’ immigration, in an effort to marginalize England’s Catholicism. They soon followed clergyman John Wesley, (1703-91), and popularized Methodism in colonial America]. Ideas regarding freedom of individuals were at a minimum in medieval Europe, however Europe’s eighteenth century period of Enlightenment gradually relaxed and then relieved serfdom’s despotic, religiously mandated slavery.
5.    Christianity’s exclusion of homosexuals within the Church hierarchy and discouragement within the congregation is ironical, as Jesus’ portrayal in the New Testament is of a single effeminate empathetic male homophile; without virility or libido; the explicit opposite of the Holy Scripture’s virile spurious male god. Supposedly Jesus lived for 33 years, without the benefit of intimate female companionship.
6.     Christian religions, according to a 1962 enumeration, encompassed 118 distinct divisions; including 47 distinct Christian Systems, and 71 distinct Christian sectaries. I suspect its much larger today and question why so much diversity is necessary to worship “inerrant certainty”. My understanding: Jesus is considered a god because he was created by the Hebrew bible’s discredited immoral god in an act of “immaculate conception, with a virgin, born at winter’s solstice, was put to death in his prime and ascended into heaven at the vernal equinox”. That’s Buddha’s biography, five hundred years before Jesus’ conception was concocted. Immaculate conceptions, resurrections, ascensions into heaven, etc. misrepresent nature’s physical laws and have not been demonstrated, but are included in the biographies of various legendry mythological gods.
7.     This quotation is from Strobe Talbott’s wonderful book: The Great Experiment.
“People have been butchering one another in the name of God for millennia, but it is when historians write about Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that they capitalize “Wars of Religion”. In addition to the savagery and turmoil of the antagonism between Catholics and Protestants, rival Protestant sects went at each other with pikes, maces, muskets, and ropes. A series of conflicts between 1618 and 1648 was among the most destructive episodes in European history. What began as a religious struggle became increasingly political as various European powers, notably Sweden and France, asserted themselves against the Holy Roman Empire. By the end of the Thirty Years War, combat, along with disease, famine, and migration caused by marauding armies and the resulting devastation of economies, had reduced the population of central Europe by about a third. By 1644, the combatants were looking for a way to end the fighting.”
“The Peace of Westphalia—1648—established a pattern that would continue for the next three hundred years: increasingly destructive wars led to increasingly ambitious treatiesthe peacemakers resolved that the religion of each state would be determined by its king or prince—Catholic, Lutheran, or Calvinist; if a ruler changed his religion, he would forfeit his lands. The Catholic proponents of this feature of the treaty intended it to discourage rulers from converting to Protestantism and accelerating the spread of the Reformation. They hoped in that fashion to preserve the European status quo and the Holy Roman Empire as its bulwark. The effect was the opposite. Westphalia enhanced the power of political leaders within their own domains and thereby further weakened the empire by creating a mélange of about three hundred largely autonomous polities—looking back on Westphalia and seeking to explain its result, nineteenth-century scholars came up with the term “nation-state”. The hyphen meant that nationality and statehood were closely aligned. It was a designation for a supposedly new non-ecumenical political construct—the cobbling together of “nation” and “state” into a single term lent credence to national as the basis of statehood”.
8.      National distinctiveness i.e., racial purity’s lack of DNA diversity leads to the inherent dangers of inbreeding. The U.S. is not a nation-state; we are a federal union of states that thrive on racial diversity. Later in this treatise I propose the intermixture of all races as DNA diversity will improve all of us intellectually as well as biologically. Ethnological sameness fosters reasonableness. Our long-term chore is to strive for an idealistic real world free of religious and ethnological intolerance.
9.     The following quotations are from Thomas Paine’s 18th century book: The Age of Reason. “We know from history, that one of the principal leaders of this church, Athanasius, lived at the time the New Testament was formed; (he died in 371 CE.); and we know also, from the absurd jargon he has left us under the name of a creed, the character of the men who formed the New Testament; and we know also from the same history that the authenticity of the books of which it is composed was denied at the time. It was upon the vote of such as Athanasius that the Testament was decreed to be the word of God; and nothing can present to us a more strange idea than that of decreeing the word of God by vote. Those who rest their faith upon such authority put man in the place of God, and have no true foundation for future happiness. Credulity, however, is not a crime, but it becomes criminal by resisting conviction. It is strangling in the womb of the conscience the efforts it makes to ascertain truth. We should never force belief upon ourselves in anything. — Christianity grounds itself originally upon the Bible, and the Bible was established altogether by the sword and that in the worst use of it—not to terrify, but to extirpate. The Jews made no converts: they butchered all. The Bible is the sire of the [New] Testament, and both are called the word of God. The Christians read both books; the ministers preach from both books; and this thing called Christianity is made up of both. It is then false to say that Christianity was not established by the sword”.—“It has been by wandering from the immutable laws of science, and the light of reason, and setting up an invented thing called “revealed religion”, that so many wild and blasphemous conceits have been formed of the Almighty. The Jews have made him the assassin of the human species, to make room for the religion of the Jews. The Christians have made him the murderer of himself and the founder of a new religion-------”. The philosopher knows that the laws of the Creator have never changed, with respect either to the principles of science, or the properties of matter. Why then is it to be supposed they have changed with respect to man?
 Paine was an American patriot and a dedicated deist, he believed “in the existence of a God on purely rational grounds without reliance on revelation or authority; especially the 17th & 18th century doctrine that God created the world and its natural laws, but takes no further part in its functioning”. The Age of Reason, sold eight editions the first year; it’s evident that the Calvinists & Congregationalists weren’t as sagacious as Quakers, and thoughtlessly implicated themselves with the bible’s original sin, and other dogmatic religious crap. German philosopher Kant, (1724-1804), believed individuals are sovereign; a rational concept replacing monarchy’s specious god’s sovereignty, “which has always been a license for religious tyranny without accountability”.
10.     In defiance of our Constitution, a popular televangelist recently proposed Christian management for our government. Apparently the idea was approved by many and provided fodder for “talk-radio”, whose listeners are our home-grown strain of religious idiots. The daily diatribe of warped information and hate by acclaimed host, Rush Limbaugh, amasses him 54m dollars a year. Church-State governments are tyrannical because blind faith in a death-dealing wrathful god subjugates believers; whose political decisions are then made by the nefarious proponents of the specious god; with no accountability. It is unconstitutional for proponents to govern without first rescinding our freedom of religion and our freedom from religion, which connotes absence of ecclesiastical interference in government. The Christian televangelist’s proposal reveals a self-serving ambition to rid us citizens of our Constitution’s first ten, and fourteenth amendments, and thereby provide an imaginary god control of our nation; by the god’s self-proclaimed representatives, for example: Islam’s governing Mullahs; without freedoms of speech, press, etc.
11.     However, blind-faith in Christianity’s Jesus fables or the other two Abrahamic faith’s fabulous fables provides the ordure that now fertilizes skepticism’s seeds-of-doubt in religion’s field of ignorance producing our nation’s growing numbers of more knowledgeable nonbelievers.


1.     Mohammed (570?-632 CE), realized that suppressing knowledge and killing nonbelievers, could work for Muslims just like it was doing for Judaism and Christianity. He claimed: Hebrew archangel Gabriel provided his Koran’s precepts. An adherent of Islam, Muslimism is an Abrahamic faith, subscribing to King Josiah’s infamous dogma; which can be embraced but if you ever renege, you are killed as an apostate; just like the Old Testament. Their goal: convert the world or destroy it, much like the Christians did during their millennium of Dark Ages. Islam is a perfect example of how religions have governed nations. The crux of Abrahamic faiths is male superiority; during our evolutionary existence man instigated many perturbing decisions; the least exemplary; his niggardly, vainglorious domination of woman. The Middle East shows what subjugating women do to a society. Muslim’s male dominated culture is an extreme example of men’s attitude toward women; clergy represses women. Poorly educated, their virginity considered sacred, they experience a brutal surgical removal of the clitoris to circumvent pleasurable coition. Her husband is selected by her parents and premarital sexual experience or adultery is punished by beheading in the public square, or by her family as “honor killing”. Incited by clergy, ignorant males, filled with religious fervor and sexually deprived, sacrifice their lives to religious martyrdom, killing infidels to assure their promised lascivious eternal-life. Reconsider Islam’s aggressive vengeful male dominated culture; furthering ignorance by withholding knowledge and killing their more astute discerning citizens who complain. I fear this is the goal of America’s Religious Right Coalition.
.  2.     Islamic Muslims, engrossed in memorizing the Koran, murdering infidels, etc. are incapable of thinking, inventing or developing science. They did not participate in the industrial revolution and their fundamentalist concept of Abrahamic faiths are a perfect example of religion in action which we should avoid, but 86% of our nation’s semi-civilized society admits to being guided by an Abrahamic faith. Possibly our faithful would prefer to have a typical ecclesiastical dictator like Iran’s.
3.    In Islam’s drive to rid the world of non-Muslims it is often reported that the last sound victims hear from suicide bombers or executioners, are the shouts of “Allahu Akhbar” or “God is great”. Don’t forget that Judaism and Christianity each spent a thousand years adhering to the spurious demands of King Josiah’s god: that blasphemers, apostates, nonbelievers, proponents of other gods, etc. should be killed by believers even when members of one’s own family; not an excuse for Muslims, but their claims of godliness are as false as those of Jews and Christians. In Islamic regimes, religion’s reigning clergy also govern and see opportunities to be humankind’s only religion and thereby rule a worldwide despotic theocracy. Demographics favor them, as their women’s birthrate averages three times that of U.S. women’s and five times that of European, Russian and Chinese women’s. European nations’ increasing Muslim migrants have not assimilated. In a few generations Western Europe will assimilate them by embracing Islam’s religious totalitarianism, as Muslims follow King Josiah’s god’s commands to rid the world of infidels, which excludes only Muslim’s true believers. Similar to Judaism and Christianity, they’ve adopted Josiah’s propaganda. If we’re smart enough to understand ancient ignorance, we are smart enough to understand Religion-Lite’s vacuousness. Also understand: the Islamic regimes’ will-to-succeed, which has sucked us dry of will, blood and treasure fighting on their turf. Islam’s betting we’ll continue fighting and not revert to Allah’s scorched-earth-revenge in order to stop their pursuit of nuclear bombs, etc. Muslims view complaints as apostasy.
4.      It is tragic that Islamic Muslims continue their literal interpretation of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda, i.e. his biblical fables. Muslims missed the civilizing influence of Europe’s eighteenth century Enlightenment and should deny King Josiah’s vengeful dogma to avoid additional self-destruction. Ignorance can’t expand civilizations; and blind faith in a god is inversely proportional to one’s worldly knowledge. The Muslim faith’s imaginary “god’s specious sovereignty is their license for religious tyranny without accountability”.
5.     God-character, Yahweh, (alias: God and Allah), was King Josiah’s occult superego, onto which he projected his vilest intentions to punish his tribe’s non-allegiant troublemakers with death. I’ve noted: subsequent political leaders used similar deceptive ploys to confound and manipulate potential followers; always with the complicity of religion’s hierarchy; which Islam is continuing today. America’s Religious Right wants to use the dominionist movement as their means to dominate life in the “born again” U.S.A.


1.    The bible’s first five books divulge Josiah’s “theological hopes”, i.e., his imagination’s fabulous tribal god’s creation of the world. The adventurous tales of Yahweh with the patriarchs depicts Josiah’s grandiose visions. He composed a tribal code threatening death for all who dared investigate or criticize his monotheistic god-idea; he attributed the code to Yahweh, and intended the god’s death threats, and his own compliant killing, to convince his subjects of his divinity. He aspired to be divine, and portrayed himself as “God’s” ideal, most righteous king and administrator of the god’s laws; which convinced his followers of his spurious divinity. Josiah rid his kingdom of nonbelievers, and his fable served as Judah’s legendary epic for two centuries before Judaism adopted it for their Holy Scriptures, whose origin was not a miraculous revelation, but a youthful king’s insurance to protect himself from polytheism’s divisiveness. He was astute, prescient and insightful. His mythical “God”, Yahweh was an effective vengeful propagandist, but a miserable disruptive failure, as the “Bible’s God”; demanding propitiation. All gods, biblical and otherwise were concocted by ambitious, vindictive, rapacious men and are not sacrosanct. The supernatural is not responsible for our Moral Code and the bible and koran are not axiomatic, but simply propaganda; i.e., “any systematic, widespread, dissemination or promotion of particular ideas, doctrines, practices, etc. to further one’s own cause or to damage an opposing one”.
2.     King Josiah’s concept of the genesis of humanity, i.e., Creationism: is the doctrine that “ascribes the origin of matter, species, etc. to acts of creation by God”; it’s also the doctrine “that God creates a new soul for every human being born”: opposed to Traducianism, defined as “the theological doctrine that the soul is inherited from the parents”. Antinomianism: is a Christian theological doctrine decreeing: “faith alone, not obedience to the moral law, is necessary for salvation”. It is clear that this allowed clergy and believers to lie, steal, etc. as well as kill nonbelievers, with divine impunity. Man’s concocted specious godly doctrines are deemed indisputable; but are obviously designed to present religious BS in an acceptable palatable way.
 3.     The first Egyptian Dynasty was in the forty-fifth century BCE, 3800 hundred years before Josiah composed the Creation fable, in the seventh century BCE. Hebrews completed their bible during the next seven centuries.  The legendary Babylonian King Gilgamesh was hero of Gilgamesh Epic, completed about 2000 BCE, containing an account of a flood with details identical to the biblical flood in Josiah’s fable. Abrahamic religions have unequivocally misrepresented their gods as altruistically benevolent sources of goodness, but the bible and koran attempt to dominate with threats of death, rather than with goodness.
4.     Let’s hesitate a moment and review exactly what we’ve determined: (a): We know: the bible is NOT “the word of God” as the bible’s books of “Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy  were fabricated by King Josiah’s scholarly team; as tribal propaganda, to threaten, motivate, inspire, and thereby better manipulate and control his people.
(b): We know that the biblical Judaic God is fraudulent, simply because it is the evil Yahweh, the fictional god in King Josiah’s tribal propaganda.
(c): We know that the three Abrahamic religions are fraudulent as the Old Testament and Koran, were sired by the fraudulent Hebrew bible.
We’ve determined the truthful origins of “God” and the Abrahamic faiths, so now we will examine the problems, with which blind-faith in their false gods for twenty six hundred years has bedeviled humanity.
5.     Our imagination produced all gods. Our ignorance deluded us into a self-inflicted impulse to be dominated by King Josiah’s, monotheistic god; and feel compelled to worship his perverse ideas. My reasoned argument is that all gods are mythical; we’ve created and manipulated them as per our aspirations. Wishful fantasies and ritualistic groveling cannot make them more than mental aberrations. Without tangible evidence of a god’s effectiveness it is unreasonable for believers to kill others because of a fanatical adherence to a particular version of an imaginary god; an irrational situation; incomprehensible to logical thought.
6.     Religion, contemplated with an inquisitive mind, reveals dissension and confusion about the unknown, which is presented with a foolhardy certainty that is incomprehensible. Answers to queries based on conjecture are not valid and is the crux of skepticism; we’ve divided into gullible and skeptics; such as agnostics, deists, free-thinkers, nonbelievers, infidels, secularists, and atheists; each doubting group claims an intrinsic definition.
 7.     As I age, past experiences leads my mind to contemplate political and religious conundrums, e.g., humanity’s obeisance to King Josiah’s vengeful “God”, which for twenty six hundred years, prompted us to pusillanimously wallow in the self-deprecating, idea that Homo sapiens and other species were deposited on Earth, in full bloom, by a superhuman god, for a special purpose, which subjugates each of us forever. The tortuous ratiocinations necessary to justify Josiah’s tribal propaganda as divine revelation are not warranted. Abrahamic faiths’ success spread spurious beliefs worldwide. Religion’s ingenious incongruity, combined with imagination, ignorance and fear was unfathomable; we instinctively conceded to a god’s political promoters and saved our lives by acquiescing to specious beliefs, but our blind-faith has been our Nemesis, i.e., “The goddess of retributive justice; anyone or anything by which one must inevitably be defeated or frustrated”.
8.     The god-idea is as old as our primitive cognition; based on fears and imagination, it explained and confirmed our relationship to all we failed to comprehend. Taught to children, it increased believers at the exponential rate of population multiplicity. Humanity’s history of despoliation, torture and malicious, killing in the name of their god, all of which today’s ignorant believers are unaware, belies reasons for berating us nonbelievers who are more sagacious, discerning and astute about “God”  than our protagonists, the misinformed proponents of “Creationism” and “Intelligent Design”.
9.     I’ve explored man’s god-ideas and hasten to add: early Homo sapiens, i.e., modern man, ventured away from the equatorial jungles, followed the receding ice sheets and occupied the more temperate regions of the world. Evolution had improved the adventurous challengers’ brains and dexterity. In time, the exemplary, i.e., the astute, sagacious and discerning; those attracted to the positive pole, perceived of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.; they furthered knowledge, developed science beneficial for all humankind, e.g. plans, tools and machinery to cope progressively with prodigious problems in the agricultural, bronze, iron, industrial, electronics and space ages. Ten thousand years ago we became agriculturists; and our adventurous progress persists. Man’s ingenuity is undeniable his ability to think, to invent and resolve our realistic conundrums, provided life an easier more fruitful existence. But man’s infamous calumnious efforts to exploit supernatural god-ideas, i.e., the development of his Judaic god have been unsuccessful as his ego and ignorance deluded him into killing nonbelievers. Comparing history’s thinkers, who chose the positive pole, with all those that chose the negative pole and followed “God”; reveals religion’s tragic irrational beliefs, which further ignorance and lack of initiative. Non-thinkers in the U.S. have been recorded; poll-takers find that 86% are believers; leaving 14% of 300million; about 42million discerning individuals that ”God’s” devotees prefer dead; how else could this be explained?
10.    Our problems began when we condescended to worship the god, we’d recently created; we multiplied problems and complicated our lives by disagreeing and fighting over the god; dividing into multiple sects, attempting to settle questions for which there are no answers. Unknowns scare us; we’re superstitious, our ignorant fears make us susceptibly gullible for conjecture, fables, parables and specious tales too good to be true.
11.     The bible’s miracles have been discredited by the same scholars, epigraphists and archaeologists who were seeking proof of its credibility. Their two hundred year search of the biblical region included excavations and carbon-dating of each level of destruction, at each of the ancient ruins of destroyed centers of habitation, and all histories including those carved in stone, in all lands between the Nile River and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The information has been amalgamated and conclusions published, authored by bible scholars and archaeologists; I celebrate this revelation.
12.   Abrahamic faiths succeeded because their gods commanded that nonbelievers, apostates and blasphemers must die. Blasphemy is “any remark deliberately mocking or contemptuous of God”. Believers fear views challenging their bible; unaware that Abrahamic faiths were extrapolated from King Josiah’s tribal propaganda. Judaism’s and Christianity’s first millenniums were monarchal theocracies; like the Islamic regimes. Religion’s essence is male superiority; responsible for global divisions, but our global reservoir of empathetic, diplomatic, intelligent women will resolve religious and racial distinctions. In addition to generating new lives, women’s sensibilities and capabilities equal those of men, except for brute strength and male sperm. Free man of responsibility, provide adequate sex and a little sustenance and, like a stallion, he can be domesticated. Males were intrigued with matriarchal life and miraculous god-ideas. When King Josiah required a monotheistic god to manage his subjects, it was important that it replicate man; therefore “God’s” vanity, jealousy and vindictive prejudices. It created a partnership; an unfortunate oversight as women weren’t included. The bible’s god’s inconsideration of women was concocted by males. Men’s blind faith in a vengeful, egomaniacal, tyrannical tho mythical male god, rather than in intelligent, empathetic, sensuously beautiful, real women, is inexplicably perverse and stupid.
13.     The three Abrahamic faiths’ history of inquisitions, persecutions, stonings, burnings, beheadings and religious wars, all in the name of their god, belies their claims of godliness. They worship King Josiah’s despicable god; we can’t blame religion’s militancy on a fictional god character; the problems are men’s imaginations, testosterone and conspiratorial minds. Religions’ perceived militancy is really that of man; whose indifference to its past persecutions, degradation and killing only adds to the confusion, amid questions about religion’s purpose. They hypocritically avoid references to their less than sacred past and present gods as Holy; supported by billions who inherited misguided beliefs without investigating the god vs. secularism situation. If there actually is a god with a heaven, it’s reasonable to assume we would be allowed a more sensible arrangement, as theories, concepts, etc. which can’t be substantiated, are invalid, even though they may have been conjured by the ancients. “Illusion and faith aren’t sensible substitutions for sound science”, which accepts the provable and advances knowledge, but religion is an obstructive, stagnant, backward, waste- land of hypocrisy; unable, for twenty six hundred years, to add to knowledge. Islamic fundamentalism remains in the seventh century when Mohammad claimed that the Hebrew archangel; Gabriel revealed the Koran’s precepts to him. Earlier, the region had developed a knowledgeable civilization, but present Islamic regimes, , are despotic theocracies enforcing sharai law and exporting sectarian terrorism. After its historic holy wars, Western Europe forewent religions’ illogical divisiveness and formed the European Union.
 14.     We are a plague that has infested the Earth’s skin, an infestation of organisms consuming our host, while we contemplate global agreements on ways to avoid self-destruction before our host collapses. Alternatively, we may be a malignancy, developing at the exponential rate of population multiplicity. When our host becomes uninhabitable, we will need to move onto another host and begin a new infestation. Globally, we haven’t considered mutually agreeable plans to further enhance our tolerance of each other’s ethnic peculiarities. Earth accepted the single cell microorganisms of life and nourished them for billions of years while they developed into our numerous species of animal life; the microscopic organisms, viries and bacteria, the aquatic, the avian, and mammals including us. All life depends upon global willingness to agree to stabilize and reverse our thoughtless destruction of the Earth’s natural benevolence. We’ve adapted and thrived beyond expectations and our infestation is beyond humane control. We’ve polluted two of life’s necessities, air and water, and must convince global nations to take emergency measures that require compliant agreements to eliminate elements contributing to global divisiveness or else all of humankind must contemplate: irreversible gradual extermination.
15.     People believe because they don’t know any better. Our lexicon is rife with words meaning unreal or unknown, which may be used to describe a pseudo universe devoid of human knowledge, where organized religion’s alliance has staked its unholy claim and touts its worthless stock to gullible congregations. Religions allusion to supernaturalism’s gods, ghosts, etc. is unfamiliar territory and opens unlimited fields of thought just as extensive and complex as we will allow our imagination to develop. It’s a fertile field on which to grow fairytales, visions, claims of gods, etc. For instance: if you compose a fable of your grandparent’s adventures with a miracle working god and your ignorant friends believe it and teach it to their children, and they, teach it to their children ad finitum, believers will about double each generation. A millennium later, innumerable ones will support your fable as factual. If during that time, the believers are killing nonbelievers, a majority of humankind will have developed a blind faith and believe your fable actually happened; that a god exists because multitudes are religiously groveling and worshipping it.
16.     Our concern is for each other. Humanity’s beneficence is credited to “God”. Religions’ conjectures proclaim answers where none exist and their contentious insistence upon diversity precludes our desire for sameness. Realistically, humankind’s primitive evolutionary convivial experiences were sufficient to develop our consideration for the feelings of our fellow humans along with our Moral Code and Golden Rule, which were primitive guides to morality, kindness, empathy, maternal love, etc.; manifested in women more than in men. It all evolved thousands of years before Josiah produced his god’s Ten Commandments in Exodus 20: 2-17; eleven  verses, (2-12), relate to the god’s egomania, leaving only five verses for killing, adultery, stealing, lying and coveting thy neighbor’s possessions.
17.     Among our human masses, ignorance, misinformation and religions flourish; they worship supernatural gods, known only via conjecture, ruse, subterfuge, and lies. Their blind faith in the illogical reveals mortal fears of exclusion by Father, Son or Holy Ghost; similar to Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, Hindu’s supreme trinity. Brahma created the universe, Vishnu is Preserver and Siva is god of destruction and reproduction. Holy Ghost is undefined. Realistically, the unholy trinity I’ve gleaned from ninety four years and religion’s despicable history is: “ignorance, dogma & despotism”.
18.    Religion has no knowledgeable facts; just blind faith; its biblical fables reveal how King Josiah misled our ancestors into believing their salvation required them to torture and murder all those unwilling to obey Josiah’s monotheistic god. Religion’s responsibility for the millions slaughtered by our ancestors, in “God’s” name, is an irreconcilable stain on our collective conscience. I have learned how god-ideas became imbedded in primitive minds amid vast ignorance, and developed religion’s malevolent history. Our delusions, concerning humankind’s purpose, began in primitive times when non-comprehension was explained by the occult powers of mythical gods; there’s no evidence supporting simple-minded solutions devised by primitive imaginations. As I became more familiar with bible’s tyrannical god’s methods for dealing with nonbelievers, critics, etc., curiosity led me to search for why the god was portrayed as vain, vile, vicious, and vengeful and why was man so enthralled with the idea of an immoral violent god? I found that man had created all gods, and was especially enamored with the bible’s god because man had created that particular god in his own exalted, self-image, the perfect male, mean spirited, ready to destroy all who failed to worship the god’s egomania; I learned of the bible’s ungodliness; its contrived mythology, false prophesies and inherent fallacies. The only goodness in our semi-civilized world comes from fellow humans; we must be tolerant and respectful of each other.  Confucius said: “We are all the same except for our experiences”. But Abrahamic faiths’ cruel intolerant divisive “Gods” are incompatible with our desire to become undiscriminating and inclusive. The gods are presented by clergy as man’s ideal of holy behavior, but the bible does not support them. There is no “God”, heaven, etc. Religion’s gift to man is “hell on Earth” with its deceptive bible. It is wrong to believe that the threats of hell and promises of eternal life prevents our becoming uncivilized and backward, because the Islamic regimes are the most uncivilized, violent, backward and most religious on Earth.
19.     Our only exposure to supernaturalism is the Holy Books and other fairytales. Supernaturalism is religion’s subterfuge; so why do we worship supernatural gods and why do civilized societies choose to be guided by King Josiah’s vengeful dogma?  Bible’s “God” is portrayed as a perfidious tyrant; but believers attribute all goodness to the spurious evil aberration. (See BIBLE NOTES’ Interesting bible Verses).
20.     My reasoning is derived from the diametrically opposed positions of King Josiah of Judah, and Charles Robert Darwin, the nineteenth century English author of, On the Origin of Species and of, The Descent of Man. My remarks are unambiguous, uncomplicated by Deuteronomistic History’s convoluted meaninglessness and its consequential theological dogma. As blind-faith reveals more trust in our ignorance than our intellect, I’ll explain how religion’s irrationality came from man’s conspiratorial ruminations, wishful thinking and persistent search for propositions to exploit his fellow man. So when our political leaders promised us suckers eternal life; we didn’t challenge it. Since superstitions ruled the land; we have deceived our stupid selves about the god problem. Our imagination led us to follow leaders espousing a close personal relationship to a fearsome tho specious god. King Josiah’s unabashed desire to unify, inspire and motivate his war weary subjects, led him to deceive them with an epical fable about the personal relationship of their miracle working tribal god, with their mythological ancestors very ingeniously portrayed as Josiah’s political and religious scholars “retrospectively imagined it all should have been”.
21.      Religion continues to preach faith in King Josiah’s mythological pathological killer god that commands death for nonbelievers; an immoral unlawful act, yet congregations worship the unholy violent deity. There is not a remote connection to a divine ever-present, all-knowing, all-powerful superhuman God. Religion’s misperception stultifies believers; who are scared to consider “God’s” unavailability. Promoting unknowns under the guise of personal salvation convinces humankind they must submit their will and initiative to a god i.e., its Earthly representative and refuse information that’d set them aright.
22.     Religion’s unsubstantiated dogma is insidious hearsay. Suffering is not virtuous; and each baby born is not burdened with original sin. It is masochistic to confess and plead mercy from the sinful spurious “Judaic God”, or worship a savior to access heaven or avoid hell’s fires; a self-serving empty callous threat by clergy, who remain unaware that God, Jesus, heaven and hell are legendry. However, it is essential for each of us to treat everyone else as we wish to be treated.
23.     Ignorance and wishful thinking embraced religion’s fallacies. Our brains and our computers, both require rational, factual input to develop rational factual solutions; religion’s lack thereof forced it to rely upon conjecture, blind faith, and killing millions of nonbelievers, to obtain its illogical imposition upon the world’s trustful societies.
24.     Archaeologists & epigraphists have found history simpler than King Josiah’s biblical fable about the Patriarchs, the ancient Israelites, etc.; a good reason to reject the “Holy Books’ prophesies and miracles; which are the sole source of Abrahamic faiths’ relevant knowledge; Disclosure, leaves large segments of our world’s population suffering from delusive blind faith in stultifying beliefs that encourage religious terrorism, but inhibits proposals for global programs to reduce world apprehensions.
25.     Ralph Waldo Emerson warned us not to follow the crowd; but to think and reason independently. I argue for a world managed by its perspicacious peace-loving women; dedicated to ethnological sameness, undiscriminating inclusiveness and global harmony. The idea of world-government was promoted “by eleven U.S. presidents from Franklin Roosevelt through Bill Clinton”. The possibility of a peaceful healthy world for humanity to enjoy should encourage the worlds astute and discerning to temper their contentious attitudes about ethnological disparities, and diplomatically and reasonably organize, socially, politically, religiously and otherwise to promote and work toward a more peaceful ecumenical world.
26.     Dear reader, to understand the magnificent release I experience by sensing freedom from gods, ghosts and other mythical delusions, see Ingersoll’s Vow in FINAL NOTES. Also recognize the historical clues of religion’s deceptive fearsome illusions which misled our ignorant ancient ancestors, and  provided opportunities for religions’ bloody success. Everyone wants to live forever. Religion has subjugated the faithful. From the seventh century, BCE, until the sixteenth century CE, nonbelievers were killed by either Jews or Christians, which makes me question why today’s believers, are so ignorant about the bible’s egomaniacal tyrannical “God”. They inherited an instinctive fear of the specious god’s wrath. Please recognize what is expected if religion ever gains its anticipated opportunity to govern by promoting the Old Testament’s fundamentalism which will demote our democracy into an Islamic-like tyrannical theocracy.
27.     Like history’s innumerable individuals; curious enough to leisurely devote time exploring religion’s devious quandary; I’m satisfied biblical faith is erroneous. I presume believers aren’t curious and regret their disinterest. There is something mentally devastating in believing we are subjugated to unconfirmed spiritual powers; although evidence is plentiful that all gods were created and promoted by men to gain and maintain political control over men. Our Founding Fathers warned us to remain alert to religion’s deathly threats and its devious ruses to obtain ecclesiastical control of our nation’s governing apparatus.
28.     Throughout history, people were tyrannized by a specious “God’s” representatives, their theological & political leaders, i.e., their governing apparatus, whose god sanctioned license to kill apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, proponents of other gods, etc. left the surviving believers with indelible memories of mortal fear that time has not erased.
29.     Non-thinking men depended upon gods, thus it remains, but now   we consider ourselves informed and understand how our ancestors’ shortcomings were due to their lack of knowledge, which encouraged the worship of false gods, but how do we explain to our progeny why we unthinkingly continue to worship mythology’s misbegotten gods?
30.     Our Electorate’s enthusiasm for a specious god is our nation’s Nemesis which will probably destroy us. Whatever evil deeds ancient clergy decreed, modern clergy’s misperception of their “holy powers” may tempt their replication. I reject religion’s spurious salvation; my main interest is saving our country from deceptive divinity, religious tyranny, etc. Our U.S.A. is a democracy; the first 10, plus the 14th amendments to our constitution, guarantees us freedom from religion and separation of Church & State; freedoms of speech & press, to bear arms, etc. We individuals are sovereign with natural rights, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


1.      There is a high probability that religious idiots will obtain nuclear weapons. To better our odds of survival, we must expound, to the world, the profound benefits of a secularist government free from politicized-religious tyranny. Ancient tyrannical monarchs’ proclaimed fearsome mythical gods, and religious leaders manipulated the mutinous multitudes by killing apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods; enforcing allegiance. The brain-washings left progeny with indelible aberrant mental impressions of a fearsome “God’s” commands, which often brings them to their knees, worshipping; begging the forbearance of a vain wrathful god. European history is replete with despotic Christian political leaders, and politicized religion tyrannizes Islam’s violent regimes. Christianity’s U.S. hierarchy presumes their “born-again” voters will trade their freedoms and rights in our secularist democracy for Christian absolutism, as televangelists and talk-radio will gleefully explain how “God” overrules all contentious unholy views of America’s innumerable liberty lovers. Religion’s ancient hierarchy developed their misperceived godly powers by becoming an accessory to ancient despotic political powers.
2.     Our world suffers from god problems, Islam’s religious terrorism, a shortage of both potable and agricultural water and pathogens that spread internationally. United States’ challenges are: excessive public and private debt, bankruptcies, mortgage foreclosures; decreasing savings, an inflationary monetary system, population sprawl, failing infrastructure, imploding schools, overflowing prisons, increasing  unemployment, and dependence on imported oil, plus reduced national prestige.
3.     Although we’ve made great progress in agriculture, industrialization, medical research, in the science of communication, development of travel and global trade; we face major problems, namely: proliferation of nuclear weapons & fissionable materials, which demand international surveillance. Global warming and global divisiveness are also major problems. We, the world’s people, finally realized that we cause global warming, and are now considering ways to reduce the use of fuels emitting carbon dioxide and thereby attenuate its progression.
4.     Humans also cause global divisiveness; the main causes are religion, nationalism, race and language, which blind us to thoughts of inclusiveness, cultural harmony and world peace. I have pondered the problem of global divisiveness but wasn’t sure of its solution. After President George W. Bush proclaimed a higher-power had approved his plan to invade and renovate the Middle East, I followed his example, and resorted to divination, the method used by soothsayers for thousands of years to consult the occult. Unlike the president, I realize divination is a ruse; that occult approval will not add credence or prestige to decisions. Professional shamans, medicine-men, high-priests, monarchs etc. realized that the subterfuge’s reassurance helped them promote agreeable solutions for risky problems by limiting responsibility, preserving prestigious positions and at critical times saving lives. Success depended upon a plethora of professed believers with their public display of rituals, exaggerated ceremonial cant, dances, etc. Ancient Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman states revered coteries of mythological gods, and Israelites were polytheists before King Josiah’s tribal propaganda, i.e., his fabulous fable, introduced the illusion of a monotheistic god.
5.     Religion’s lack of information is tantamount to ignorance; thus, ignorance is responsible for our blind faith in mind warping ancient sorcery, confusing humankind with vacuous conjecture and mendacious spiritualism which reeks of charlatanism. Ignorance of our origin conjured our fears, ignited our imaginations, and produced creative conjectures and gods for all troubling occasions. Ancient monarchs’ specious fearful gods demanded death for unfaithful non-allegiant subjects, which forced people to endow the gods with irrational non-compromising powers over them.
6.     Since men first presumed their guise of self-righteous godliness, they have dreamed of eternal life and without evidence, believe they are above our planet’s natural laws and that an “omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent” mythological god will redeem their sins and save their souls, in spite of our failure to respect Earth’s myriad forms of life. We are inconsiderate, and insist upon both religious and ethnological competitive distinctions, but female sensibilities will outwit our conspiratorial schemes. Male guile has promulgated religion’s B.S., developed large organizations and built grand buildings, but under-estimated two of our most essential challenges, i.e., advancing knowledge and living together peacefully.
7.     Intellectualism’s doctrine is: “that knowledge comes wholly from pure reason, without aid from the senses”. Our electorate insists that candidates for public office certify their anti-intellectualism plus a strong belief in biblical miracles; preferring candidates like themselves. I prefer candidates like me, free of religious constraints; without a need for miracles. Thomas Jefferson, our third president, remarked: “our democracy’s success depends upon an informed electorate”. Our communication system is impressive; we are allowed the freedom of non-seditious speech, which invites a plethora of political and religious misinformation, keeping our pot of ethnological, political and religious distinctions boiling. Our government leaders have been slow to realize the benefits in banding together for anything other than war; and religions’ leaders continue to prove they are part of the problem, without a clue how to become more tolerant and inclusive.
8.     The U.S., occasionally experiences influxes of illegal workers, seeking employment, but much of our manufacturing and assembly work is out-sourced to less costly locations, (See U.S. ECONOMY). Poorly educated and discouraged male youth is one source of our less than astute electorate; they consider intellectualism effeminate, unmanly, and drop out of school with meager educations and low-skill opportunities. Solution: stabilize and invigorate middle and secondary schools with male professionals who must certify their qualifications and be licensed to practice, e.g., architects, lawyers, etc.; they will challenge our growing numbers of uninspired and discouraged young males who are taxing our schools, courts and prisons.

9.     Magazine polls occasionally emphasize the deficiency of our secondary school systems; how only 65% of students graduate, while other nations produce college-entry students’ superior to ours; arousing consternation as to why this is true and why we cannot improve. Surveys show a number of fine high schools in the U.S.A. graduate exceptional students. However many schools are evidently mediocre and some may be dysfunctional. Polls also show 84-86% of our population admits to a blind-faith in unproven suppositions; and only 15 % will accept the proposition that we humans developed over millions of years, which suggests a relationship between our inadequate, locally guided, high schools and a population with more faith in ancient ignorance than in proven scientific evidence. Possibly our religiously motivated school boards and teachers contribute ignorance to schools, thereby degrading intelligence. It is essential that our young be scientifically motivated in high school and that colleges explore and explain the natural forces of the universe plus our planet’s physical laws, scientific principles, etc. Anything less allows ignorance to expand exponentially, further inhibiting our nation’s future capabilities, i.e., becomes unable to solve conundrums such as global warming’s forthcoming problems, god-ideas, etc.
10.     Citizens are discouraged; uneducated parents often produce more ignorant parents. If we can interrupt that cycle, and initiate a new pattern, we might educate an entire generation and get ahead of the climbing curve of population growth. Too many distractions confront middle and high school youth, producing an average drop-out rate of about 35%. Without benefit of parental restrictions, this age group isn’t wise enough to make meaningful decisions about their future. History and current news extoll the activities of 15-24 year old male cohorts, whose inexperience, lack of responsibility and natural virility have “set them up” to risk their life for a few worthy causes and many unworthy ones, and they are apt to ignore education; it's like an obstacle course. Elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. has been directed and managed like home-grown enterprises. Professionalization of management and teaching staffs will provide better educators than unionization. Communities’ ability to educate children should not be limited to a percentage of their real estate’s value. Children are a treasure and our nation’s future; equal opportunities for a comprehensive education are everyone’s obligation; state or national.  Curiosity of our preschoolers can embrace natural phenomena, which will lead them to science, and research in the physical sciences. Indolence is intolerable. In order to divert children from worse pursuits, each must become interested in investigating something that has attracted their attention. It’s important for them to explore new sources of information, where they will discover developments they will enjoy learning more about; curiosity expands with knowledge. Children can’t start too early and the pursuit will fill their lives with exuberant pleasure; exercising their developing brain; it is the secret of successful lives supplanting their need to be constantly entertained. It is essential for all children to develop a more than adequate vocabulary as they age and progress, so that upon entering college they can comprehend all subject matter. Our reading ability is limited to our vocabularies, so our first step toward diminishing ignorance is to improve them. Ignorance is most endemic and debilitating among our citizens who either received an inadequate education and ignored it or are incapable of self-education.
11.     We males, presume ourselves god-like, requiring adoration worship, obedience, etc. Although “God” assigned the management of women to us, they are no longer considered chattel, and civilized men no longer use force with women, so we must realize that women are the superior gender; their brains are not addled by a testis and men should value and emulate their sensibilities. I argue for female’s freedom from subservience and advocate their promotion to prominent leadership positions. Their extraordinary sensibilities are conducive to congeniality, inclusiveness, purposefulness, etc. Women’s new role is necessary; an emergency solution to help resolve our male world’s contentiously divisive political and religious problems.
12.     Most people in Iceland, Denmark & Sweden believe in evolution. In all European countries, including Greece, believers exceeds those of the U.S., where a Gallup poll in 2008 found only 15% agreed with the proposition that humans developed over millions of years. This exposes our nation’s ignorance. Turkey has 25% believers, 25% not sure and 50% deny it. Most of our population unquestionably believe King Josiah’s biblical fables, and instinctively feel compelled to follow the majority’s acceptance of religion’s irrational absurdity rather than Secularism’s intelligent doctrine of reason and truth.
13.    The challenge for religion is reconciling twenty six hundred years of false information to worldwide believers with more reasonable goals for their organizations, e.g., convincing believers that Earth and its life forms are worthy of survival. But religions will continue to exploit humanity’s fears of the unknown with the bible’s and koran’s vengeful, recriminating messages. The Holy Books’ precepts were adopted verbatim from King Josiah’s tribal propaganda, where the god was portrayed as a vengeful killer for the exclusive benefit of Josiah’s people, to resolve problems inherent within his little kingdom, and are not related to humanity’s present situation. Can religion’s self-incriminating stupor which grips unfortunate multitudes of blind-faith believers, ever be overcome?
14.     Religion-Lite is not foisted upon anyone nor officially kill infidels, but they have retained fatuous ancient beliefs in specious gods, and groups of supporting members occasionally form new sects; searching for agreeable inerrant certainties; their goal: eternal life and the anticipation of seeing loved-ones in heaven; My memories of “believing and belonging” clarify my attitude in re Religion-Lites’ vacuousness; I find no evidence supporting their irrational beliefs, which are empty, false and non-seditious.
15.     I’ve found: the Abrahamic religions’ holy books and gods fraudulent; and considering the revengeful history of Judaism, Christianity and present day Muslimism, I believe my treatise’s argument is justified. The problems are deadly serious; difficult to reconcile; and repercussions momentous, depending upon Churches’ residual lust for the blood of their naysayers; or “hate-crimes” by a few unhinged believers. The truth, offers humankind an opportunity to be free of religion’s deceptive message. In any case, we must forego the biblical “Judaic God’s” intolerant xenophobia, and seriously enhance the development of mutual global opportunities. Global-warming is not a joke. The Religious-Right’s conservative legislators have stymied any reduction in the amount of carbon our nation releases into the atmosphere; playing chicken; competing with other developed countries;  and endangering all of Earthly life.
16.    Christianity’s intrusion & obduracy in U.S.’s governing bodies bodes ill, Islam’s “Arabic Spring”, i.e., young Muslims denouncing and eliminating their despotic leaders’ bodes chaos that will get worse unless our world’s discerning wisdom soon recognizes religion as: blind-beliefs, more divisive than nationalism, race or language; which deceived and killed millions to get where they are today. Eliminating them would devastate an industry. They need honest realistic goals. Their spurious gods should command the gullible congregations to hallow the exuberant rejuvenation of our planet.


1.     The world’s women are our potential saviors. I called on my imaginary female god, who is more reasonable than King Josiah’s vengeful male god. Her sensitivity to nuance, undiscriminating inclusiveness and comprehension of humankind are essential to resolving global divisiveness. She is adamant regarding the attitudes of our disparate ethnicities toward other races, religions, languages, etc. She advises us to discontinue emphasizing distinctions and accentuate similarities; that our divisiveness will take many generations to resolve and that a tolerant respect for others is essential for success; also that we must integrate the world’s races by accepting miscegenation and cohabit until all of our children’s skin is the same color. She cautions us to develop a common language, and warns that worldwide systems of education, healthcare, pollution control, agriculture, and food distribution are needed; that violence is insane; that her proposal can be accomplished without violence and, in due time, ethnocentric divisions will dissolve. If global policies can be directed toward inclusiveness, all will benefit, but uniqueness is cherished; many fear losing their ethnicity. Socrates (470?-399 BCE) claimed world citizenship, was judged treasonous and banished because he refuted the Grecian state’s gods. Our divisiveness discourages world citizenship and world peace. Male leaders of nations and religions will resist changes that might dilute their personal prestige, power, etc., but Earth provides us ideal lives if we limit our indulgence and not squander resources; nature will restore the forests, endangered species, sources of water, etc., but can’t support us if we kill all living things which displease us. Deforestation is frightening, as forests absorb excess carbon dioxide, and produce the oxygen, essential for survival of most all of Earthly life.
2.     Global women are the individuals to organize, design and control initiatives to bring people together, to reduce intolerance, save planet Earth, and there with their people . They are natural diplomats whose leadership is essential for international compromise. So I encourage world’s women to address the inherent advantages in togetherness and ethnological sameness; and to inaugurate a world-wide campaign to accomplish the endeavor. This may be idealistic, but it is our only way to avoid our self-extermination as we are a critically endangered species. Males made their tragic, godly, blunders by themselves, keeping women at bay, but today, the world desperately needs its women to make the big decisions and assume the responsibility for global tranquility. They will disregard male egos when deciding important world problems. Wisdom is found in astute discerning sagacious women; only in men after their libido has abandoned them.
3.     Women’s innate reason and sensibilities are essential capabilities required by a worldwide team to design and develop the proposed program. We seek a world free of xenophobia, where all children have the same color skin, speak a common language, have adequate food, housing, healthcare, education and a representative authority that encourages each to attain xenophilic self-confidence and provide equal opportunities to attain their optimum level of competence.
4.     Women were not well represented in Josiah’s tribal propaganda, and televangelists’ “hot-lines to God” imply the same attitude prevails. If Josiah’s team had been female, “God” would be female, women would again be in ascendancy, world’s history would be less brutal, sexual repression unknown and matriarchy would be our authority mode. While men follow god, women keep a peaceful home and serve as men’s source of relaxation; bearing and nurturing the next generation into adulthood. Women are our only hope, to pacify a contemptuous world. Men disdain intellectualism and resent competent individuals. Women admire scholarship and exceed men matriculating in college. Female sensibilities are essential for leadership in government and religious organizations; they’ll be superior national and international leaders. A woman will be a more discerning Pope and a much more appropriate, more reliable “God” figure. Their smiles domesticated man; although the bible doesn’t consider women believers, their influence on humankind has been more valuable than man’s god-ideas, exploiting his insecurities with an immoral virile god to emulate; but a motherly nanny god to suckle and guide him would have been more appropriate as male believers with their fatuous egomaniacal male god, have cluttered humankind’s history with blood stained debris.
5.     I’m not arguing for world acceptance of matriarchy, but advocate an unencumbered change in attitude that will bring global women out of the utility closet; into the forefront of human endeavors; leadership positions around the globe. Men’s insistence on leading was an expensive experiment in wasted money and lives, which leaves us where we began: fighting over religion’s vagaries, male vanity and national prestige. Women appreciate men for many reasons, such as their cleverness and its resulting largesse; women add tranquil togetherness to our existence; they have always supported men’s efforts to change world policies, even when we employed a god sanctioned: dividing, conquering and destroying. My hope: male condescension will support women’s efforts without proffering unsolicited interference as they spend a few hundred years untangling our world’s man-tied knots.
  6.     Women’s sensible capabilities provide the attributes required by all intellectually demanding professions. Questions arise concerning a proper division of labor. During their first 40 years, women are necessary to bear and nurture our next generation, whose maturity may determine their mother’s professional pursuit. There is work to do; women’s innate ability to compromise are essential to success; they ameliorate bad situations; their equiponderance intelligence and comprehension match and exceed those of men; in addition, women can be direct and tough with grace; I advocate that women be global decision makers. Suffering and discontent in our world can be diminished by returning to some semblance of matriarchal leadership.
7.     When global predicaments produce additional religious wars over man-made problems, the few survivors will concede that men should not lead nations or religions. National and international problems have been settled by wars; men chose war instead of reasonable procedures. They are exemplary adventurers, engrossed in tactical schemes of attack, rather than the strategy necessary to avoid wars. Men cause wars; women are not involved. Men are enthralled with self-righteous abnegation but are not perturbed about women’s negated position in society, but women are indispensably more equal than men; and prove it daily by considerately serving men as I’ve noted above.
8.     We’ve devoted time, money, and lives’ to improve world congeniality, but haven’t considered miscegenation as international policy to facilitate humankind’s need for ethnological integration, religious enlightenment and peaceful coexistence. New scientific development is not required; nor should miscegenation be considered compulsory; young people only need opportunities to study and work together; intimacy will solve our problem. In time, we will produce a conglomerate strain, which may be simpler than maintaining a viable, sustainable planet.
9.     The bible’s god is portrayed as a vengeful divider, not a unifier. But to save humankind from destruction, the persuasive powers of Churches are essential. We’ve a desperate need to restore Earth and our atmosphere to more pristine conditions. The improbability of solving global-warming’s problems and problematic water problems; depends upon major world governments’ willingness to cooperate. If they don’t agree before life on Earth becomes unbearable or religious idiots nuclearly achieve “End Times”; what are man’s ignorant stupid scheming ideas about imaginary superhuman gods’ really worth?
10.     Religions have progressed unevenly along diverging paths, devoid of ideas to improve cultural harmony. It isn’t too late; everything is possible. People have many talents; some have a talent for creating extraordinary things from ordinary stuff and extraordinary conditions from simple situations. The Abrahamic faiths conjured their gods and belief systems from a young king’s deceptive tribal propaganda and deceived most of our world’s population with a vision and postulation of the spurious gods’ propensity for killing nonbelievers.
11.     Josiah’s biblical fables evolved from his tribal propaganda; so clergy should continue its deception by adding Cultural Harmony to “God’s” plans, which should imply that “God” won’t return until Earth is presentably sustainable and a new revelation commands the faithful to lead everyone in rehabilitating planet Earth, in preparation for “God’s” anticipated return; Cultural Harmony is a realistic goal for “God” to pursue; it provides religion an honest purpose which humanity appreciates and understands. When our religions are not burdened with the supernaturalism quandary, they can contribute to our natural world’s knowledge simply by promoting world peace. Realistically, it has much greater potential for humankind’s comprehension, worldly progress, etc., than blind-faith in the bible.
12.     Abrahamic religion’s power and influence are usually confined to the dubious proposition of: “saving souls”; its political power often discourages progress. Religion’s potential for advancing knowledge has been neglected and needs to be reexamined. Also this is a rare opportunity to add Global Harmony as part of their canon; it should be their divine purpose along with Family Planning, abandoning Compulsory Ignorance, and messages should appeal to intellects, instead of postulating theocratic absolutism, the arch enemy of independent thought.
 13.     Everyone should be excited with the idea of hybridizing the human race; since our beginning, the process has produced some very astute and beautiful people. Biological and psychological advantages inherent in DNA diversity, makes it the universal path to removing racial prejudice and will reduce consanguinity’s consequences. To facilitate this effort we need to reorganize our worldwide exchange programs for high school and college students; with an ever expanding participation of countries, it could grow into a universal system of educational requirements. Our global situation will benefit from improved interracial and interfaith relationships.
14.    The 19th chapter of Exodus has “God” explaining to Moses, that, under the threat of death, neither the people nor the priests shall be allowed on Mount Sinai, or see god while Moses is receiving the Ten Commandments. Andy Rooney said: “Those to whom His word was revealed were always alone in some remote place, like Moses. There wasn’t anyone around when Mohammad got the word either. Mormon Joseph Smith and Mary Baker Eddy had exclusive audiences with God. We must trust them as reporters----and you know reporters. They’ll do anything for a story”. Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool all of the people, some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people, all of the time”. Lord Acton said: “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. King Josiah’s minions concocted a god with absolute power over Josiah’s people.
 15.     As a child, mother warned: the “boogey-man” would get me; later I was consigned to hell. I will not go to hell; I will return to oblivion, from whence I came prior to conception in a passionate act of conjugal pleasure. Biblical mythology’s imaginary gods have undue influence over the lives of millions of people; a mental aberration, accepted as normal by the mental health profession. The subterfuge of religion’s effusive inerrancy convinces the superstitious they must follow the crowd to the promised hereafter; thus, religion feeds and thrives on our fears. We are seeking a queue to join or a crowd to follow. I’m thankful for our skeptics. Skepticism is rational; Judge Learned Hand often said that he would like to see some particular words by Oliver Cromwell placed over portals of every church, courthouse and at every cross-road in our nation, which were: “I beseech ye, in the bowels of Christ, think ye may be mistaken”. Judge Hand thought that if we are to be saved, it must be through skepticism.
16.     As a youth, I “believed”, but questioned the unreasonableness of my belief. Religion’s illogical believers both fear and revere the bible’s vengeful obnoxious god’s recrimination; which served King Josiah’s and religion’s purpose; by instilling mortal fears that torment people into believing the unknowns of supernaturalism. When ancient beliefs differed from Josiah’s, and thus the bible’s, millions of dissenters were wrongfully tortured and put to death to please a spurious monotheistic god. That stupidity is why at age 94, and in hospice care, I am a confirmed atheist, unafraid of death. Without a real evil god, what is there to fear?
17.     Since the end of our primitive matriarchal period when man became god, he has considered himself godly and with the promise of eternal life he is sure of his immortality. Man accepts his self-assigned, exalted position with equanimity, assured he is above all other Earthly life-forms including that of women. An obvious question: why do women worship Abrahamic faiths’ mythological gods, despite the gods’ biblical disregard for the female gender? The answer: men are natural promoters, that is, confidence-men, capable of selling snake oil, etcetera. Ever since primitive males proclaimed their superiority, females have been relegated to religion’s outer fringe; their knowledge of the Old Testament limited to clergy’s sanctimonious sermons, but unfamiliar with the stories where god commands the Israeli army to destroy entire populations, including the innocent mothers and children, but to save the young female virgins for the soldier’s pleasure. Apparently believers rationalize that “God’s” revengeful pathological killing and egomaniacal demeanor is fundamental to their faith; as the bible tells us: this murderer sired and later killed his own son.
18.     Biological and psychological gender distinctions can resolve global divisiveness. We men are greedier, more contentious, our ego and vanity are sacrosanct, and we compulsively dominate. Our predispositions might be needed to follow “God’s” precepts, i.e., to divide conquer and destroy infidels. Women’s sensibilities, predispositions, etc. are more suitable for our needs; they are ameliorable, empathetic, sharing, and equally staunch, loyal, and steadfast. Underestimated, they win graciously, even when their successes are credited to men. I argue in favor of the proposition: that after multimillennia of male domination and our world’s has reached the stage where we have a compelling urgency to develop communal solutions for global problems; the predispositions of women make them more apt than men, to detect common-ground and find solutions for our impending international agreements.
19.     U.S. was founded as a Secularist, not a Christian nation. Many early American colonists came to this country to escape the rigid freedom-limiting religious dogmas of Christian Europe.  Puritans brought a more strict dogma with them, which prompts Australians’ wry comments, that they were lucky to get the convicts. The early thinkers in the Colonies were deeply suspicious of organized religion. Thomas Paine (1737-1809), American Revolutionary patriot, published, The Age Of Reason, an attack on the bible and orthodox religious beliefs; eight editions sold out in the first year. Our astute founding fathers were determined that authoritarian religion wouldn’t disrupt democracy’s principles. Most signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 were deists. Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson were outspoken atheists. John Adams was opposed for our second president because he was a Congregationalist; it was thought: he favored a monarchal theocracy, much like Islam’s totalitarianism.
20.     I respect Religion-Lite, the least disingenuous for a civilized society, but continuing growth and development of Islam’s religious extremists and America’s Protestant Fundamentalist movement will lead to upheaval as civilized societies will not abide compliance with Fundamentalism. Religious people who destroy other people are not civilized.
21.     The world’s thinkers advanced a civilized philosophy and science in spite of religion’s appeal to a non-thinking majority. It is most evident in secular nations; free from religion’s interference, e.g., a believers’ insistence that a spurious god overrules all opposition. Theocratic regimes have burned books, suppressed scientific inquiry, freedom of speech and information. Believing in gods clouds the mind and deadens our reasoning power with unrealistic ideas, e.g., believing Godly power exists, without the remotest evidence, indicates more faith in one’s ignorance than their knowledge, i.e., what one does not know is more credible than what one does know. This explains the self-satisfaction of believers lack of curiosity to learn the historical facts about their omniscient fearsome imaginary god. Everyone should question their religion’s past performance; especially the Abrahamic faiths .
22.     Dear reader, a small percentage of our world understands that beliefs in god are male concocted subterfuges, and religion deserves ridicule; their absurdities are humorous, with vast numbers meeting regularly to exercise distinctive rituals of particular sects, hoping to influence specific deities and repeating the aberration ad finitum without meaningful results. Remember, you can depend upon reason and truth to sustain you through life and that the Abrahamic faiths propound unreasonable, less than truthful beliefs in the Big Lie.
23.     My reason for dwelling on religion’s confidence game is because the bible’s “God”, along with the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings were adopted from a tract of tribal propaganda, concocted by King Josiah of Judah about six centuries prior to the New Testament’s Jesus. Both gods were fictional characters, especially contrived to deceptively subjugate unbelievers with mortal fears of the unknown plus the idea that one is born guilty of much sin. But with repentant groveling and testimony to clergy, one is promised eternal life. A confidence game indeed, open to the unsuspecting who do not know their bible or that the “God” they worship is portrayed killing millions of people; genocide, infanticide; even gang-rape; all in an effort to promote his chosen people. It is completely fictional; compare it with the horrific brutal history of Jews at the hands of Christian believers, whose god, Jesus, was Jewish. It’s all stupidly contradictory and unbelievable and it was all wrought by ignorant men’s desire to manipulate their fellowmen.
24.     Women are more interested in having a real, free, peaceful, healthy, moral, progressive world for their family’s welfare than in being on their knees groveling to denigrating supernatural nonsense. Religious organizations keep female leadership at bay, allowing few hierarchal opportunities. The fatuous promotions of eternal life are nice fantasies, but they should not take precedence over rational ways to save Earth’s forms of life. Male leadership in government and religion has been costly. The intrinsic qualities of women favor them; they inspire congeniality and trust. We can’t trust pious male clergy who preach Josiah’s dogma as inerrant certainty. We are fortunate to have a world team of ambitious, well educated, perspicacious women, while men are in their descendancy, and should not procrastinate this opportunity to right an ancient wrong.


1.     Our conservative political movement began in the 1980s; resulting in legislation harmful to the middle class; ravaging trade unions, deregulating utilities and banks; plus reducing taxes on our wealthiest, who colluded in reducing interest rates, (to encourage consumerism), and out-sourcing manufacturing jobs to other countries, (to reduce their cost of labor; see U.S. ECONOMY). Religious Right’s Republican Party promoted our Middle East wars, which have cost us much more than a trillion dollars. We owe China $1.6 trillion, which they invest in U.S. treasury notes, rather than in the Chinese people. That deregulation, etc. caused the recent “melt-down” our banking system, causing our present recession and prompting Federal Reserve to inaugurate “quantitative easing”, e.g., printing money and buying locally owned government bonds; putting cash into consumers’ hands, increasing inflation.  The U.S.A.’s total debt is $9.41 trillion.
2.     Religions thrive during our times of despair; people sense a need for “inerrant certainty”. It increases “born-again” voters and elects additional “born-again” officials like President George W. Bush. He favored low taxes for corporate wealth, , and low interest-rates for consumers, encouraging the gullible to build and buy. In 2008 it collapsed our banking system and tax-payers bailed it out; but mortgages of thousands of home owners were foreclosed, increasing unemployment, prompting more despair and more “born-again” voters. This recessionary spiral, produced by the Religious Right’s conservative legislators, has encouraged religion’s hierarchy to call for a Christian-managed federal government. Their ignorance of “God” is only exceeded by their stupidity of our worldly needs. A constitutional amendment could nullify our freedom from religion allowing religion to nullify contentious speech, press and assembly. All will be lost to religious tyranny. The evidence supporting the origin of a Judaic “God” and Hebrew bible’s Holy Scriptures, upon which Christian’s beliefs are based, began with deceptive attempts by a monarch and religious leaders to manipulate their subjugated followers. Today’s ruse is being promoted by hierarchy and political leaders and I fear our electorate is initiating the end of its own Bill of Rights. History has shown: that believing “God” commands specific political action, encourages unlimited Christian abuse and cruelty. Recall the persecution and slaughter of innocent citizens during the Inquisitions, the Crusades and the recent Holocaust, (See CHRISTIAN ANTI-JUDAISM).   
3.   Historically, political tyranny was enforced by specious gods portrayed as immoral, mean and fearsome, e.g., King Josiah’s propagandist, Yahweh, commanded death for everyone who failed to follow Josiah’s commands; its precepts were adopted by the Hebrew bible, Old Testament and koran. I’m concerned for the literalists or fundamentalist, who believe the bible is the word of “God” and death the correct punishment for breaking one of “God’s” commandments. Fundamentalism is: “religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of everything in the bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals; the twentieth century movement among some American Protestants, is based on those beliefs”. Our world’s vast knowledge cannot provide facts about our imagination’s gods. Like other malicious rumors, God-ideas were eagerly swallowed, and promulgated, worldwide, by the ignorant to the ignorant, as creeds, but it’s without facts.
   4.     I don’t contest facts; religion has no facts, only beliefs. I argue against our misguided electorate’s full-throated enthusiasm for an unfounded belief in a mythical sovereign god to glorify government with creeds and to defer national and international questions to clergy, the god’s representatives. Our Founding Fathers intended to prevent such a religious ruse’s unfortunate outcome for the world’s first democracy dedicated to the proposition that all humankind  are equal and that our democracy remain free of ecclesiastical influence. Their intentions are found in, The Federalist Papers, 85 articles by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, published in 1787 and 1788, analyzing the Constitution of the U.S. and urging its adoption. If a god is declared sovereign, our U.S.A. with all of its rights and freedoms loses its sovereignty and we will be a Christian theocracy, obligated to literally obey the bible’s laws; very much like the Middle East Islamic regimes. The Coalition also plans for a majority of non-thinkers in our national electorate by proselytizing them as potential believers. Once believers submit their will to a god, they’ll learn how the god’s proponents want them to vote; our most celebrated televangelists will control our government; not a democracy; an authoritarian theocracy. Religion is priesthood; the original form of totalitarianism. Historically, political leaders implicated followers in occult mysticism in order to gain their submission to a fearsome, threatening, spurious god that promised death for apostates, nonbelievers, etc. This idea was ingrained into our ancestors for twenty six hundred years; survivors, including all children, believed the Big Lie, and today it is very seldom questioned.
5.     The conservative Religious Right Coalition awaits an opportunity to void our constitution’s Separation of Church and State’s freedom of religion; then our nation will be their theocratic fiefdom; interpreting “God” literally; demanding that nonbelievers, blasphemers, apostates, proponents of other gods, etc. be put to death by believers. Remember that much of our world is controlled by Islamic Muslimism’s totalitarian regimes; the same tyranny our founding fathers were determined to avoid by separating ecclesiastical affairs from our governing apparatus.
6.     Believers, cognizant of Christianity’s familiar fantasies, but unfamiliar with their faith’s degenerative history, may be surprised to learn about the Religious Right’s Evangelicals’ preparations to subvert our democracy by packing our government with officials favoring a theocratic nation, where their version of the immoral Judaic god will replace our Supreme Court and clergy, like the Islamic regimes, will rule the land, disallowing other points of view. This will set the stage for Evangelical’s, long awaited cataclysmic “End Times” with the Abrahamic faiths decimating each other, to determine which is eligible to welcome their god’s descendancy from heaven as believers ascend into heaven and we nonbelievers experience our gory end. This is my allegorical parody of humanity’s regressive ignorance and allegiance to an immoral, fearsome, tho imaginary god.
7.     Supreme Court’s selection of George W. Bush as our president in 2000 was inopportune. Reliance on faith instead of reason changed our nation’s course to an irrational one. Political & religious militancy brought the U.S. to our degraded position in the world. Kevin Phillips’, book, American Theocracy, The Perils and Practice of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money, In The 21st Century, documents how the Religious Right Coalition’s Republican Party’s unfortunate assistance brought our country to its knees. Their unilateral support of President Bush’s administration was an expensive disaster. They are also involved in the dominionist movement.
8.     it’s presumptuous to assume a Christian dictatorship would be less fundamentalist or totalitarian than all others. Belief in “God” led millions to kill nonbelievers, so It is unintelligible that individuals, so divorced from reality that they must be guided by a mythological god could be considered qualified to hold a high public office. The Old Testament’s “God”, which was King Josiah’s spurious tribal god, is portrayed as a death-dealing egomaniac commanding obeisant worship; devoid of impartial goodness or love; except for the Jews, who the god failed.
9.     Mythical gods should be of good character. Believing in the criminal behavior of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda’s vile & vengeful Yahweh has proved detrimental to world peace. Josiah’s god set bad examples for man. Males with their mighty male god challenge all who disagree. Women excel at peaceful leadership, with evolutionarily developed sensibilities that seek compromise. Men developed alertness for things lurking out there, and King Josiah’s god commanded us to dominate the world. Men resist ideas of world-citizenship. I’m not describing all men; fortunately, our world has produced innumerable exceptional male nonbelievers who developed our great fund of worldly knowledge. Being a male for 94 years provides a fair appraisal of our limitations. I understand our predicament; our virility is essential to our self-esteem and influences our every thought, which distorts our equiponderance, disturbs contentious negotiations, amicable diplomacy, etc. Men believe King Josiah’s god provided women to service us, while we convert the world to the service of a spurious god.
10.      Dear reader, don’t worry, just because “God” has been exposed as a fraud doesn’t change the facts, because god has always been an illusion; I hope my information will prevent religious idiots from following the “Holy Book’s specious gods’ commands that: free- thought and nonbelievers must be destroyed.
 “Beware the sanctimonious when they make laws. Scratch a moralist, and you will find a hypocrite”. From William Shakespeare’s: Measure for Measure.


1.     Matter is “whatever occupies space and is perceptible to the senses in some way”. Spirit is “the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body”. Spiritual is “supernatural or imaginary and is all that’s opposed to matter”.
2.     Primitive humanity feared attacks from both animals and humans; somewhere in our early development we found reasons to believe that the nonphysical was part of our physical world, and vice versa. Our fear of the paranormal developed sensitivities to the presence of animate beings, and our imaginations presumed the possibility of earthly gods. At some point in our primitive or ancient times, we realized: the deities we had identified as being most important, were all perceptible matter; things we could see, feel, or hear. We imagined that gods had imperceptible powers over us which we call fanciful, imaginary or spiritual forces.
 3.     This is my view of the unresolved question of matter vs. spirit: our brain, the center of our nervous system is of matter; it receives sensory impulses from our senses and transmits motor impulses to our muscles. What we speak of as our mind, is actually a division of our brain which handles our memory, recollection, our intellect and intelligence; what we think, what we feel, will, etc., the seat of our conscious and unconscious.
4.     Religion is an abstraction, dealing with our condescension, to obey and worship an abstruse mythological deity; something we can allow our minds to do, but our brains remind us that the concept is unfathomable; we are misleading our brain’s logic. Our mind accepts religion’s irrational concepts by giving our imagination the benefit of doubt while ignoring our brain’s logical interference.
5.     I believe that our mind is free of our brain’s logic and free to wander, to wonder, to imagine, to suppose, to wish-for, to consider possibilities, and to either accept or reject them; our will is free and often not encumbered by our brain, a convenience for wishful thinking; our brain’s logic cannot consider details of the non-existent and our mind is unconcerned about the impossible or non-existent. We willingly accept conjecture or the spurious or prejudice, etc. without evidence for our brain to contemplate its probability. I’m aware: religions regard the mind as the “Soul, an entity which is the immortal or spiritual part of a person and having no physical or material reality is credited with the functions of thinking and willing hence determining behavior”; BS! My argument: religion’s forceful influence in our world is misdirected, that the idea of life after death, is impossible, that our mind (or soul) is not separate from our body, and is not spiritual, but is a part of our brain and is of matter. When our brain dies, our mind also dies and our essence is no more. Religion’s fatuous promises clouds reasoning and people accept unintelligent definitions without question.
6.       Neuroscientists assure us: our minds do not exist independent of our body, but are mental; which is not possible after the brain is denied oxygen and dies. Our brain can mislead us; brain imaging shows that regions which become active when we only imagine we see or hear something are identical to those that become active when we actually do see or hear something. I think of the mind as integral to the brain but acts independently. If our mind doesn’t avail itself of our brain’s logic, it’s free to believe anything, even when no favorable evidence exists. Our mind’s freewill permits us to ignore the brain’s assistance in correcting fanciful unrealistic thoughts with more reasonable possibilities. So I’ll repeat the following: Ignorance and wishful thinking embraced religion’s fallacies. Our brain’s capability is like an electronic computer’s; both require rational, factual input to produce rational, factual answers. Religion’s lack thereof forced it to use conjecture, blind faith, and killing millions of nonbelievers, to gain its imposition upon our world’s ignorant unsuspecting societies.
7.     I’ve experienced religion; contemplated its biblical messages; pro & con, for most of my 94 years, and found them woefully wanting of reason, truth and common sense. This treatise succinctly explains my successful search for a truthful reason for the bible’s irrational incoherence; where King Josiah’s god-fearing tribal propaganda is used for the bible’s early books; the Pentateuch. My choice for learning about the machinations of today’s religions is the American Fascist: The Christian War on America—by: Chris Hedges, a worthy author who “tells it like it is”. Please read it. You will better understand the politically conservative Religious Right Coalition’s artful schemes to amend our U.S. Constitution from a freedom loving democracy into a tyrannically controlled, book-burning autocracy without the benefit of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights.


1.     We humans should not consider ourselves above and beyond Earth’s natural physical laws which control all living things. Information indicates we are part of an orderly system. Every part consists of matter; I have no concept of the unreal or spiritual, despite religion’s allusion to it. We’ve not found anything considered supernatural. Evolution provides transparent answers about how life on Earth developed. We don’t know why we are here; is the answer worth killing others over hypothetical questions? The more we learn, the more we want to know; just because I can’t explain our unknowns, doesn’t mean that it would be beyond my comprehension when and if, the information becomes available. Without answers to universal unknowns, we can’t assume poetic license to publicly proclaim divine gods. Indeed the absence of verifiable information is not a reason for us to invent answers, which only confuse with misleading assumptions. Apprehension, ignorance and over-active imaginations brought about our undoing. World history reveals that civilizations falter wherever religion becomes a zealous consideration. Many in U.S.A. contemplate we’re on oblivion’s slippery slope and fear our Religion-Lite’s inundation by protestant fundamentalism’s dominionist movement.
2.     Israelis and Palestinians share racial characteristics and speak Semitic languages; both worship King Josiah’s fictitious god, but their Abrahamic faiths are distinctive. Israelis worship Judaism, but Palestinians worship Muslimism. Both cultures originated in the Holy land and have much in common, but religion is perceived as an important distinction; the basis of rivalry and inability to peacefully live together. The American Colonies welcomed Jewish immigrants; but not the Puritans in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, where they burned Salem’s witches, and forbade nonbelievers to own land. Jewish culture, in the United States is an intellectual stimulant but bigotry often exposes an ignorant simmering anti-Semitism.
3.     Evolution’s process of natural selection  provides Earth’s life many benefits, but it also accentuates the imperviousness of deleterious bacteria and the submicroscopic living organisms, viries. Medical research develops defenses against our diseases, but is often stymied, by dogmatic ignorance. Scientific experimentation advances knowledge, but religions denigrate scientific inquiry, preferring ignorance contemporaneous with the bible. Recent examples of religion’s ludicrousness are Pope’s condemnation of condom distribution in Africa’s effort to thwart further H.I.V. development and President George W. Bush’s refusal to allow further research on lines of particular stem-cells.
4.     Mark Twain, our nineteenth century satirist, said a lot about religion, but for obvious reasons none was published until after his death. Like Mark Twain and others who find mythological gods ridiculously unreasonable, I fear religious zealotry, such as Islamic regimes’ perversely perceived godly powers to rid the world of nonbelievers, etc.
5.   Before Hebrew writing’s advent in the eleventh century BCE all folktales, legends, gossip, and other information were communicated orally from one generation to the next; it was all burdened with temptations to enhance and embellish the impression the messages intended to convey. “Our primitive belief that a new sun was born at the winter solstice each year gave rise to our fable of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, which was adapted from a black mother and child deity of Egyptian mythology”. There is an ancient Persian legend of the sixth century BCE, (500 years before Jesus), that describes a god, born of a virgin, at the winter’s solstice; is put to death in his prime, and ascends into heaven at the vernal equinox. The biographical legends of numerous gods including those of Buddha, Krishna, Adonis and Jesus, closely follow the old legend’s pattern. It is assumed that each biography was created in compliance with the ancient Persian legend.
6.     My pellucidity is inadequate therefore I offer this analogy. Religion is an imperative in many lives, and a complication for those burdened with feelings of inadequacy or guilt, to which they desperately cling with only blind faith and hope. I’m free from specious religion’s influence and regret that for masses of people, religion is tantamount to an infected feverish boil on humanity’s butt that continuous to threaten, while we remain reluctant to interfere or medicate for fear of another painfully destructive eruption.
7.     The pert answer that: god works in mysterious ways, is unacceptably stupid. Many believers sense self-righteous satisfaction in promoting god-ideas which they consider too good to ignore regardless of authenticity. This wouldn’t be a problem if religion was not so divided and diverse; its lack of essential information creates uncertainties that disrupt its Systems and sectaries creating additional distinctive problematic, religious sects.
8.     Author, Bernard Lewis, in his Crisis of Islam, mentions: “in the Middle Eastern Arab world the idea of Equality is very basic in Islamic belief; all true believers are equal, although nonbelievers and women are excluded and are not equal. The political leaders are obsessed with a god-idea and kill all who disagree; their minds are closed; refusing opportunities to learn about the origin of the three Abrahamic faiths. However Kuwait, an Islamic country, permits women to vote and be members of Parliament.
 9.     I am reminded of the problems, Copernicus and Galileo had with the Church. Copernicus developed the Copernican system, the basis of modern Astronomy. He theorized the planets in our solar system revolved around the sun and the turning of the earth on its axis accounted for the rising and setting of the sun and stars. Galileo’s telescope demonstrated the truth of Copernicus’ theory and he was condemned for heresy by the Inquisition, the general tribunal established in the thirteenth century for the discovery and suppression of heresy and the punishment of heretics. Galileo spent seven years under house-arrest for questioning the Church’s position. When King Josiah’s minions composed his ruse of royal propaganda little was known about our solar system. Aristotle (384-322 BCE), proclaimed the Earth to be at the center of the universe, encircled by the moon, sun and stars. Nicolaus Copernicus, (1473-1543), found inconsistencies with that theory and placed the sun at the center. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), corrected Copernicus’s famous but incorrectly formulated description of the solar system and established the laws of planetary motion on which Isaac Newton (1642-1727), based his work.
 10.     Knowledge is power; religions wield great powers supported by ignorance; they resist knowledge and tout fear, deceit and a specious concept, i.e., supernaturalism; under the guise of personal salvation. Our concurrence will degenerate our Democracy into a tyrannical theocracy. Our view of history will determine our destiny; primitive political leaders, ancient and medieval kings depended upon the idea of imaginary gods to manipulate and control their multitudes; the history of Western Europe is replete with a plethora of Christian nations brought to ruin by zealous insistence that all citizens be persuaded to “believe” or else be classified as heretics, subject to inquisitions, persecutions, and death. Numerous religious wars by Protestants and Catholics are documented. The Holy Roman Empire’s militant principalities existed in Central Europe for a thousand years, (800-1806); and organized the Teutonic Knights’ unsuccessful Crusade to retake the Holy Land.
11.     After two centuries of divisive Christian wars, Western Europeans tempered their religious fervor in favor of old fashioned secularism and reason, while the U.S.A. has become religiously contentious, narrower minded, less understanding and more divisive; suffering self-imposed disillusionment; many think we are the international leader; others, more knowledgeable of history, are aware of Christianity’s militant influence on Europe. We are too religious. Skepticism and tolerance could help us a lot. Religion’s modus operandi is like nationalism’s, and their confluence produces debilitating tyrannical theocracies.
12.     Our mid-nineteenth century Civil War, was a religious war; pulpits on both sides justified it. Ireland’s Catholic terrorism and Serbia’s Christian terrorism of the Muslims were religious wars; plus, President G. W. Bush’s Iraq-Afghanistan wars concern religion. When religions are not partaking in wars, they usually accommodate them. New York’s World Trade Center towers were destroyed by Islamic fanatics, who succeeded in goading the U.S. into unwinnable wars within their hot-bed of radicalism where their announced goal is to rid the world of infidels, but it’s actually: worldwide sharai law.
13.    Presently, the Religious Right Coalition controls many electorate plus political leaders who supported Pres. Bush’s Middle East misadventure and promote Israel’s effort to rid the Holy Lands of Palestinians in preparation for Evangelicals’ “End Times”. Mr. Phillips’ book, documents Christianity’s political influence in the implosion of: the Roman Empire—late 15th to 17th century; Spanish centered Hapsburg Empire—16th to 18th century; the Netherlands or Dutch Empire—17th to 18th century; Great Britain’s British Empire—18th to 20th century, and says that “Each of these countries, in its day, was the leading world economic power and principal naval or military power and each believed in their own exceptionalism, a wellspring of encouragement and reassurance for early and middle generations but a source of strategic blindness during the last years of illusion”.
14.    Our nation is relegated to a less than exalted position in world affairs. We are considering ways to make the world more inclusive; the love and trust-thy-neighbor, philosophy propounded by Christianity; it’s difficult while disagreeing and dividing into 118 Systems and sectaries. If seriously considered religion’s irrationality defies common sense; its absurdity and diversity prevents it becoming the intended fantasy.  Several Christian Protestant sects in the U.S. are becoming more intense, fervid, feverish, charismatic, exclusive and intolerant; waiting expectantly for Armageddon. They won’t be disappointed; nations and empires have been destroyed when the people depended upon a despotic political leader’s spurious god to save them from self-destruction.
15.     Historically, our world has settled religious differences with mortal conflict. The only opportunity open to us, is compromise and understanding. Men are contentious; women have proven themselves the saner. Maybe, civilized human beings can agree that man’s god-ideas have been devastating deceitful ruses and be rid of fictitious “Gods”. The bible’s god is portrayed as a divisive pathological killer, unfit to guide a peace loving people. Reason and Truth are basic to any belief.  God delusions are international problems, requiring reconsideration. “Religion is especially liable to reflect the vagaries and weaknesses of human nature; and, as the forms and habits of thought connected with worship take a firmer hold on the mental constitution than do those belonging to any other department of human experience, religious conceptions should be subjected to frequent and careful examination in order to perceive the extent to which we are holding on to ideas which are unsuited to existing conditions. In an age when every branch of inquiry is being subjected to reasonable criticism, it would seem that the origin and growth of religion should be investigated from beneath the surface, and that all facts bearing upon it should be brought forward as a contribution to our fund of general information”; quoted from: God-Idea of the Ancients, by Liza Burt Gamble
16.     Neither God nor Jesus criticized slavery or polygamy, which were common throughout much of history. Slavery was abolished in civilized countries in the nineteenth century. But polygamy, banned in many parts of the world, is practiced surreptitiously in the U.S. and Canada. Biblical treatment of women as chattel encourages today’s religious leaders’ to consider the same. . Civilized nations, presently accept that a woman’s vote, in an election or on a jury is equal to a man’s vote. Enlightened societies no longer regard women as property. They were granted the vote on the following dates: New Zealand 1893; Australia 1902; Finland 1906; Norway 1913; U.S. 1920; Britain 1928; France 1945; Belgium 1946; Switzerland 1971; Kuwait: 2006.
17.     Racial purity is a national identification for many nations; but the U.S. has thrived by accepting miscegenation. We are destined within the foreseeable future, via assimilation and intermarriage, to become a browner people, (See PARTY REVERSAL). Racial-centric nations, such as France and Japan overlook the obvious benefits of DNA diversity and are reluctant to assimilate foreigners. A peaceful world will benefit everyone; it depends upon our world’s willingness to forego ethnic uniqueness and encourage global harmony along with ethnological undiscriminating inclusiveness.
18.     I don’t think governments should forbid the practice of religion as long as it forsakes hate, embraces tolerance, accepts new scientific knowledge, remains peaceful and does no harm. Karl Marx was correct: a large percentage of humanity has a desperate need for an onerous opiate of self-righteous self-satisfaction. Our U.S. government is woefully inept in providing religious organizations tax abatements; encouraging their proliferation. Our Constitution guarantees us freedom from religion, as well as freedom of religion so why the free ride?  We nonbelievers consider tax supported “faith based” services unconstitutional.
19.     Uncritical acclaim of self-righteous religious leaders is oblique and disingenuous. We must assume they are familiar with the bible’s incorrigible unforgiving god, which no one should emulate. Is it sheer ignorance or the evil intent of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda that has propelled both political and religious leaders since the propaganda’s evil god was adopted as the Hebrew bible’s god? Religions have been blind to their responsibility to help keep peace in our world; which, historically, has been torn asunder by their militancy. They are also responsible for humanity’s thoughtless attraction to their calumny.
 20.     If you’ve read my treatise, you know our primitive fears, ignorance and longing for a better future, led us to believe our welfare depended upon imaginary gods. I have a female god and I’ve described how Yahweh, God and Allah became gods in the minds of billions of misguided, trusting unthinking hopeful people. Gods have always been just ideas. At no time in recorded history have we been aware of the supernatural. We men concocted all gods and practiced divination which secured our path to leadership; the control and manipulation of tribes, tribal councils and political and social groups, thenceforth our nations, and our empires.
 21.     One hundred & thirty seven years prior to America’s Independence an English clergyman in the American Colonies, John Harvard, endowed Harvard College, founded in 1639, as a religious school. Presently, there is not a department of religion at Harvard University. Religion is unfounded, based upon ancient sorcery. Religion’s beliefs are unsubstantiated, but great portions of world population anticipate eternity with loved ones; and passionately respond to suggestions of its unavailability. False promises only bring disappointments and more bloodshed. I regret there is not a heavenly existence, as per fantasies; my understanding is: that only our “essence” would be affected. Believers have been led to believe that they and their god will be in prime human form.
22.     Religion’s position is awkward & embarrassing, having spent twenty six hundred years promulgating unfounded doctrine; based upon young King Josiah’s tribal propaganda; it was adopted by Ezra and Nehemiah as Judaism’s Holy Scriptures. Groups or individuals that claim to speak for “God” are misinformed; not qualified to do so; the Judaic god was an evil character in Josiah’s political tribal propaganda; information about the god is in the “Holy Books”, which evolved from the propaganda. There has never been any evidence for “God”; but man’s mental frailty opened the door to deceptive hopes for an eternity of glorious living with the god; all promised by overly ambitious political leaders and religion’s charlatans. I have no faith in a religion, that killed nonbelievers for a thousand years, but presently profess so much sanctity for human life that family-planning is considered sinful.
 23.      Author, Strobe Talbott duly warns: “In championing reason, science, and humanism against ignorance, dogma, and despotism, the great figures of the Enlightenment were waging, with their minds and their pens, what was often a losing battle against blunter instruments—In a world where disputes between individuals and states were so often resolved not by reason or merit or virtue but by force, the power of ideas alone did not stand much of a chance against the power of violence”. I am undeterred; I’ve shown that “God” was a fabrication, i.e., tribal propaganda devised by King Josiah of Judah in the seventh century BCE, composed to confound and maneuver his subjects with a sanctimonious tyranny. Upon that initial deceit believers desecrated humanity by slaughtering its nonbelievers; thereby developing a religion industry which promises forgiveness of sins plus a heaven with eternal salvation for the righteous and hell for the wicked. Twenty six hundred years of religious inquisitions, persecutions, despoliation and wars prove the gods of the Abrahamic faiths’ Judaism, Christianity and Muslimism are, as King Josiah intended; devious dividers and ruthless killers; but we also know that they are all senseless fictional nonentities.


1.     You say you love science-fiction’s unbelievable stories; like H.G. Well’s Time Machine? Tell you what I’m going to do; there is a story I want to tell about microscopic life beginning 2.4 billion years ago on an extraordinary planet where evolution naturally developed a new species, Homo sapiens, whose political and religious leaders, under the guise of alleviating people’s fears and restless anxieties, conjured imaginary gods, to better manipulate them, plus the gods provided simple solutions to fathomless conundrums. Innumerable future generations inherited and embellished the gods, whose specious threats and rewards gradually became essential to maintaining an obeisant tribal allegiance. Money influences power. Political and religious leaders found that god-ideas were career enhancing; profitably developing divination, with its professional shamans, medicine-men, priests, etc. who represented the gods and collected portions of meat and grain sacrificed. Ancient kings built religious alters throughout their kingdoms facilitating the slaughter of sacrificial livestock. This sordid practice continued until King Josiah of Judah proclaimed his monotheistic god and destroyed the pagan altars, limiting worship to Jerusalem’s Temple. He and subsequent tyrannical monarchs, killed non-allegiant nonbelievers, convincing their ignorant gullible believers and their progeny that they were subjugated, under threats of death, for non-obeisance, to an ever-present, all-knowing, all-powerful, egomaniacal superhuman god. It’s not science-fiction, but a true, strange, tragic saga, about the perfidious fictional gods and Abrahamic religions that humankind embraced. Gods have always received tithes and gifts; there is a childhood story about a rabbi, catholic priest and protestant preacher discussing how they shared Sabbath’s gifts with “God”, and the rabbi explains: “I simply throw it all up into the air and God decides”.
2.     Primitive man was ignorant of his planet’s natural laws and scientific principles. He imagined imperceptible powers manipulated and controlled his world. Without evidence humankind’s imagination, ignorance, fear and underdeveloped intellects, devised devious schemes to use the occult for personal advantage, e.g., tribal leaders, priests, etc. leading to King Josiah of Judah’s monotheistic god idea. Belief in a particularly vicious god instilled fear of vengeful retaliation into subjects; subjugating and organizing them, assuring their unquestioning allegiance. European history is replete with church-state tyrannical monarchies. Our U.S.A.’s prescient founding fathers established the first democratic state with a constitutional Bill of Rights.
 3.     I have explained how young King Josiah’s tribal propaganda’s fictional tribal god character, Yahweh, decreed the killing of apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods. The killing assured Josiah’s successful reign. His propaganda became the Holy Scriptures of the first Hebrew bible; enlarged later, it describes “God” commanding the deaths of entire populations totaling millions including innocent women, children, infanticide and gang-rapes; assuring “God’s” notoriety as an egomaniacal pathological killer and destroyer of nations, all in order to benefit Josiah. A majority of U.S. population believes in “God”; which I question. Not many are stupid and knowingly worship the bible’s genocidal, merciless god or believe it is man’s meaningful guide. It is incomprehensible for intelligent adults to worship what they read in the bible about “God”; it confirmed my skepticism, improved my life immeasurably and made an atheist out of me. Knowledge is glorious, but ignorance robs one of self-worth, confidence, and initiative. Gods are helpless, hopeless, nonentities invented by man. Recall the Judaic god’s fulltime neglect of its “chosen people” during their brutal history including the Holocaust? As for Jesus, I’ve not discovered one reason to be impressed by the New Testament’s momentous events, which were not composed until half a century after the purported miracles. The prolific writings by contemporaneous historians do not mention Jesus or his “miracles”. Jesus was just another fictional god; contrived by the Jews to support their original menacing Yahweh with a less virile, more empathetic benevolent son. The Jesus fables are as incredulous as those of King Josiah, but Jews didn’t fall for the lurid tale of Yahweh killing his own son.
4.     The world is divided between haves & have-nots, i.e., thinkers & non-thinkers, e.g., leaders & followers; about 80% are non-thinking followers. Don’t be one of them. Religion connotes intolerance and if anyone suggests that “God” can help you, thank them and run; don’t discuss impossibilities with organizations built upon subterfuge, bigotry and the extermination of dissenters. Converts are attracted by creating mortal fear of unknown gods. Religion is a cult in disguise, awaiting clergies’ opportunity to govern us with fundamentalism’s theocratic absolutism. A world problem has always been: political leader’s tyrannical promotion of specious gods, in order to tax and enforce their self-serving commands. I fear that U.S.’s “born again” electorate will rescind our secular democracy and return to Christianity’s former totalitarianism, forbidding freedom of information, speech, religion, etc. Islamic regimes are totalitarian, where only true-believers are equal; women and unbelievers are not equal. Apostates, blasphemers, proponents of other gods, etc. are killed. Religions’ hierarchy and their political leaders control U.S.’s “born again” electorate, and postulate exchanging our secular democracy’s Bill of Rights for theocracy’s absolutism. Religion-lite is a decoy; attracting innocent ignorant prey into theological totalitarianism’s maw, by using the very freedoms, they plan to destroy, e.g. religion, speech, press, etc. including their voting rights.
5.     King Josiah’s tribal propaganda initiated one of man’s truly vicious vindictive blunders. Believing in the power of a spurious “God” induced a few of the wiser, more discerning individuals who claimed to be “God’s” Earthly representatives to intimidate and tyrannically manipulate most of the multitudes. It was a deadly confidence-game for apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and for those concocting their own specious con-game.  
6.     It’s  disturbing to contemplate why much of today’s society rejects our accumulation of evidence proving that all gods, including the Judaic “God” are man’s creations, and that innumerable contradictions, misstatements, misrepresentations, and general incongruity, indicates the bible’s lack of authenticity. Also my chapter; KING JOSIAH’S MONO-GOD, succinctly reveals how the bible’s books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings, were adopted, from king Josiah’s tribal propaganda, with its egomaniacal, death-dealing tribal god, Yahweh.
 7.     How wonderful life could be if Muslimism would forgo its tyrannical killing, and if all religions would surrender thoughts of political dominion, and forgo stupidly preaching the bibles’ incredulous precepts and vicious stories, where “God” calls for slaughtering all peoples, of several nations, including innocent mothers and children, but cautions the soldiers to save the young virgins for their own pleasure. Why do clergy consider “God’s” crimes sacred? I understand it’s a farce; but clergy intentionally misleads congregations by deceptively presenting their spurious god as benevolent.
 8.     Religion’s history is replete with tyranny, persecutions, beheadings, burnings, wars, despoliation, desecration, and general mayhem. Serious consideration should be given to cleaning-up our religions’ ungodliness. Fallacious promises are like false advertising; if congregations weren’t so ignorant and gullible, it might be ok, but it’s unfair; like shooting fish in a barrel, because ignorance eagerly clamors for the opportunity to be fooled,     and religions compete for opportunities to satisfy their egotistical desire to live forever. Although promulgating unfounded doctrine may be unworthy and vexing, religions, apparently reason that someone has to do it; that it shouldn’t be neglected, because if congregations adequately tithe, sins are absolved forthwith, and requirement of righteous self-satisfaction either meets the approval of the membership’s majority, or they are apt to scout for a new minister, or leave and organize a new church. It’s a precarious industry, void of scientific principle; dealing only with the supernatural.
9.     Religion-Lite is man’s inane, incomprehensible, competitive enterprise. It consists of numerous distinctive sects, each offering a pseudo insurance against risks of an imaginary hell plus forgiveness of sins and promise of eternal life in an imaginary heaven. It is supported by gifts, etc. Eligibility qualifications are defined by each sect. Fear of retaliation, by an imaginary god, brain-washes congregations into eager believers. However, Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Muslimism, hark back to the despotic reign of King Josiah, twenty six centuries ago, and cannot deny their documented compliance with their holy books’ commands to kill apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, proponents of other gods etc.; Millions subscribed to a monarch’s specious god in order to save their lives, thereby agreeing to do the killing. From their infamous bloody background Religion-Lite presents a holier-than-thou face to the world, but they are neither holy nor a benign fantasia; Christian religion wields great power in our U.S. Congress and Senate. Most of our legislators endorse the bible’s vengeful fictitious god, and patronize our “born-again” electorate; hoping to attain hierarchy’s stated goal of a Christian managed U.S.A., i.e., a totalitarian theocracy; where, like in ancient times, Christian leaders will substitute “God” for brains and supported by a “born-again” electorate, insist that a spurious god’s Earthly representatives overrule all contentious opposition.
10.     Our world’s ethnic cultures are divided into two opposing groups. The larger, more populated, older group respects and values authority above all else. Their combined, church-state, governments assure authority and security, and along with the community and tribe, are more important than the individual. China, Japan, East Asian nations and the Middle East are among this despotic group of nations, known as the East. The smaller, less populated, younger group of ethnic cultures cherishes independent freedom. Individuals are sovereign; they elect governing authorities, and choose belief systems, not necessarily a religious one, and enjoy freedoms of speech, assembly the press, etc. United States and the West European democracies are among this freedom-loving group, known as the West. Our own U.S.A. was the first true democracy; we fought the Revolutionary War and won independence from despotic England’s church-state government.  
11.     All Earthly goodness is derived from our fellow human beings in spite of religion’s perfidious presumptions. I have explained that the Judaic God, Jesus and Allah are as false as my dentures, and that the discerning astute thinkers were slaughtered because they refused to kill other nonbelievers. That is how it was: from King Josiah’s contrivance of a monotheistic god until about 1000 CE when the Christians finally forbade it; but fanatical Muslims continue it, which corroborates my earlier statement, that the world’s Islamic regimes are the most backward, immoral, uncivilized, violent, and the most religious societies on our planet.
12.     We must never forget that: throughout the ages, millions were killed and horrific crimes committed by monarchs, clergy and zealous believers in response to the commands of the bibles specious “Gods”. For that reason I presume that zealous religious government officials will replicate the evil deeds of ancient clergy, when and if a mythical god is our ultimate decision maker. Congregations profess a blind faith in religion’s deceptive dogma rather than their intellect, because clergy do not reveal the truth about the specious “Judaic God’s” criminal behavior. 
13.     It is incumbent upon us nonbelievers, to be a little more considerate and polite than church attendees; or we will be considered devil-workers. We must prove to be high-principled, tolerant, unbigoted, exemplary seekers of the truth; searching for pertinent knowledge of religion’s perfidious history, and we must seek society’s respect by establishing ourselves as considerate, helpful, congenial, convivial individuals, whose critical explorations into the history of the bible’s Judaic god, challenge religion’s deceit with reason, truth and complete honesty. We have determined the truth; we have no “Gods”; bible’s Pentateuch is fraudulent; and we believe civilized society can accept the truth without destroying the world; that blind-faith in the bible’s unfounded “rewards for the righteous, and punishments for the wicked” are good adages, but empty promises. We have no tangible evidence supporting clergy’s message: that the bible’s “God” is an altruistic and benevolent do-gooder, but we have much evidence that ambitious vindictive rapacious men conjured it all for personal gain. I join all nonbelievers in rejoicing and spreading the word. We must not gloat over our rare ability to recognize that “God’s” slaughter of innocent mothers, children and infants as portrayed in the bible, is evil, criminal; and unworthy of our further consideration. Earlier, I revealed the history of the “Judaic God” and Hebrew bible’s Holy Scriptures, the original Pentateuch; which sired Christianity’s Old Testament and Islam’s koran. (See KING JOSIAH’S MONO-GOD also MY FAITH and FINAL NOTES).
14.     I began this treatise with excerpts from Thomas Paine’s introduction to: The Age of Reason and now end it with excerpts from its final chapter.
 Following excerpts are from Mr. Paine’s concluding remarks:
“It is incumbent on every man who reverences the character of the Creator, and who wishes to lessen the catalogue of artificial miseries, and remove the cause that has sown persecutions thick among mankind, to expel all ideas of a revealed religion as a dangerous heresy, and an impious fraud. What is it that we have learned from this pretended thing called revealed religion?—nothing that is useful to man and everything that is dishonorable to his Maker. What is it the Bible teaches us?—repine, cruelty, and murder. What is it the [New] Testament teaches us?—to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married; and the belief of this debauchery is called faith”.
“As to the fragments of morality that are irregularly and thinly scattered in those books, they make no part of this pretended thing, revealed religion. They are the natural dictates of conscience, and the bonds by which society is held together, and without which it cannot exist; and are nearly the same in all religions, and in all societies. The Testament teaches nothing new upon this subject and where it attempts to exceed, it becomes mean and ridiculous”
 “I here close the subject. I have shown in all the foregoing parts of this work that the Bible and Testament are impositions and forgeries; and I leave the evidence I have produced in proof of it to be refuted, if anyone can do it; and I leave the ideas that are suggested in the conclusion of the work to rest on the mind of the reader; certain as I am that when opinions are free, either in matters of government or religion, truth will finally and truthfully prevail”.


1.      Our species future depends upon what thinkers’ understand were the reasons why history took its recorded course. Religion’s vindictive bloodletting must stop. My thoughts are less on our well documented ignoble past than on our future, I have no clues, but great interest. Who will we become; will evolution have time to improve us physically or intellectually; will our scientists develop more beneficial knowledge for humanity, or will wisdom persuade the world to peacefully collaborate and develop an international government; or will religious idiots obtain nuclear weapons and imagine a “God” commands them to rid the world of thinkers, but if they are killed, religious tyranny is waiting to rule the world.
2.     Islamic regimes, the world’s fastest growing religion, control our destiny. When Iran attains nuclear bombs, Islam will control all nations reachable by their delivery system. Religious rivalry and propaganda about an imminent Armageddon, indicate an ominous prognosis for our semi-civilized world. Belief in a “God” disrupted many strong nations and I fear our “Founding Father’s” “freedoms” will be rescinded by our electorate’s religiosity and replaced with Islam’s biblical tyranny. Religion’s future depends upon the ignorance of future humankind and its fears of an erroneous biblical god’s insinuated subjugation. A minority of our world’s astute discerning thinkers, dismiss religion’s beliefs; but the religious majority’s ignorance will destroy our world’s great trove of knowledge, because: where religion’s leaders control governments, they have burned books, stifled scientific inquiry, and their critics by denying them the liberty to speak freely, the freedom of information, the press, etc., i.e., their own Bill of Rights.
3.     Life taught me that a small percentage of men developed our world’s philosophical and scientific knowledge; always with the aid and support of women, and that the Judaic “God” persuaded most men that women were inferior beings, meant to be subjugated. History has proved that women, when confronted with daily life’s irrational problems. are more flexible, wiser, and more rational than conventional men.
5.     Mara Hvistendahl’s book: Unnatural Selections; Choosing Boys Over Girls, And The Consequences Of A World Full Of Men; exposes an invidious custom. Her world history of Gender Selection describes debacles created when excessive numbers of testosterone-laden young men are unable to find wives. Unbalanced genders led to serious crime wherever occurring in history, e.g. the settlement of our “wild-west”. The latest census of small children in our world alerts us to future problems—within fifteen years, South Korea, China, India and Azerbaijan, collectively, will need 160 million additional young women, (equivalent to U.S. female population), in order to domesticate a like number of ambitious, vindictive, rapacious young males. The situation, at minimum, will exacerbate their customary trafficking in women and children. “Men love the power of pre-eminence and dominion. They often abuse the confidence of others and sacrifice their scruples to personal advantage”; Statistics indicate: U.S. men’s probability for committing violent crimes is 4 times higher than women’s; we men are 3 times more likely to commit robbery; 5 times more likely to commit aggravated assault; 8 times more likely to be arrested for murder, and 13 times more likely to be arrested for a sexual offense. Although little girls are life’s loveliest, most wonderful creations; true believers cannot right the rampant wrong of killing girl babies because the unforgivable custom is too much like the Judaic “God’s” common practice of infanticide and genocide, as related in the bible. Emulating “God” is our Nemesis.


1.     Although I am old and enjoy each day with therapeutic projects that keep my brain entertained, similar to this venture, I fear that our nation is mistaken in supporting the elderly to their bitter end, at the expense of care for expectant mothers, their babies, and children in general, who are being short-changed by a lack of funds; why else is our infant mortality rate so high and why are millions of children without health-insurance?
2.     Our present method of funding elementary and secondary education with local real estate taxes is archaic and inadequate. Children, a treasure and our nation’s future are everyone’s responsibility; we should be taxed, nationally or by the state to provide a system of professional classroom teachers, and management, with commensurate compensation.
3.     A successfully completed high-school education, either academic or vocational must be a national requirement; military style if necessary. Sixteen year olds are not wise enough to decide otherwise. College must be available to all qualified high-school graduates. Our goal is to provide each young person an equal opportunity to fully attain his or her level of proven incompetence: no one should be engaged in work that is obviously beneath their level of competence.
4.     I’ve experienced enough life to appraise it, and find old-age palatably uncomfortable and painless, worthy of its problems and expense, but must seriously consider what to do when I become bedbound; having avoided senility, to this point; nursing homes are unacceptable. Since euthanasia is not available, suicide is the sensible alternative.  Our Social Security system in the U.S. is presently unsustainable because an increasing percentage of our population is eligible for benefits. Consensual euthanasia is a sensible alternative that would solve our dire situations involving only bedbound patients with dire maladies; including those who are very old, depressed, maybe feeling hopeless, but that doctors consider a survivable quality of life. It’s devastating to be unable to care for oneself, and nursing homes are not for everyone, so I encourage euthanasia for the physical or emotional relief of the desperate or hurting. My body has been willed to a medical school for more than twenty years, but I fear premature institutionalization to rot in some nursing home while painfully waiting for bodily systems to shut down. I prefer to skip the preliminaries and go directly to college as a prize cadaver. Euthanasia avoids prolonged suffering, but is considered possible only in Oregon, although it would be welcome relief for many. The situation could develop into a memorial gathering with family, guests and patient, all in attendance, replacing the somber funeral as a memorial; the patient, if feasible, visits with guests and bids goodbye to everyone prior to an intravenous injected terminus. Everyone would know that the service is available for them if their medical situation ever qualifies.
5.     The Perils of Aging: I don’t recall ever dwelling much on the subject of old-age, until, in my mid-seventies a young physician prefaced his verbal instructions with, “Due to your advanced age”----I assumed myself elderly and thence have worn the mantle and born the stigma. It’s not easy being old. While most individuals look forward to an enjoyable retirement, odds do not favor them. Poor health, fatigue and money problems, often reduce options, but Medicare’s support for the elderly is of immeasurable help.
6.     A doctor recently explained my problem; he said: the reason I am outliving my savings is that I have had too good of medical care. I graciously accept the benefits. However when we consider the increasing number of seriously debilitated older citizens with the decreasing birthrate of the world’s developed countries, the obvious disparity is apparent: too few young people who must support too many elders to their bitter end.
7.     This treatise on man’s contrived religion’s devastating influence on humankind is information for the consideration of my grandchildren and their descendants. I have often wished that my grandparents could have done something similar; how wonderful it would be to have a sense of their ideas and to know the truth about our situation, that: fortunately we are alone, free from the curse of an imaginary fearsome “God”; I rejoice! Active curiosities and open minds are cognizant they might be wrong. Closed minds will bring civilization to closure; and civilized segments of our world’s population must organize, in non-challenging, ways. We can preserve humanity and all beneficial species of plants, animals, etc., over time, naturally and simply, by promoting intermarriage of races and religious faiths, developing a common language, an unlimited student exchange and by recognizing that “God” was extrapolated from King Josiah’s tribal propaganda. Just don’t fight about it.
8.     You had the foresight and fortitude to read my treatise; I thank you. If you consider me blasphemous, I will not understand, as religion is a man-made subterfuge and is not sacred, but was originally devised to lead and exploit others in order to develop political support for leaders. My life approaches its end and many may see an error in my ways, but I accept that I am part of Earth’s physical system and not outside its natural laws.


1.     THE AGE OF REASON/Thomas Paine; 1737-1809
2.     ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES/Charles Robert Darwin; 1809-82
3.     CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS and the Remaking of World Order/ Samuel P. Huntington: Simon & Schuster; 1996
4.     HITLER’S POPE/John Cromwell: Penguin Group; 1999
5.     KING JOSIAH OF JUDAH, the Lost Messiah of Israel/Marvin A. Sweeny: Oxford University Press; 2001
6.     THE BIBLE UNEARTHED/Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman: Free Press; 2001
7.     THE CRISIS OF ISLAM, Holy War and Unholy Terror/Bernard Lewis: Modern Library; 2003
8.     THE CAGED VIRGIN, an Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam/Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Free Press; 2004
9.     AMERICAN FASCIST: The Christian War on America/Chris Hedges: Free Press; 2006
10.     AMERICAN THEOCRACY, The Perils and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money/Kevin Phillips: Viking’s Penguin Group; 2006
11.     THE LOOMING TOWER/Lawrence Wright: Knoff; 2006
12.     AMERICA ALONE, the End of the World as We Know It/Mark Steyn: Regney Publishing; 2006
13.     THE INFIDEL/Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Free Press; 2007
14.     ROME AND JERUSALEM, The Clash of Ancient Civilizations/Martin Goodman: Alfred A. Knopf; 2007
15.     THE GREAT EXPERIMENT, The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States and the Quest for a Global Nation/Strobe Talbott: Simon & Shuster; 2008
16.     THE NEW ATHEISM/Victor J. Stenger: Prometheus Books; 2009
17.     THE LEGENDS OF THE JEWS/Louis Ginsberg and Henerietta Szold
18.     GOD-IDEA OF THE ANCIENTS/Eliza Burt Gamble
19.     THAT USED TO BE US; How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back/Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 2011



Interesting Bible Verses (Genesis: 19:3-8) (Exodus: 17:14-16 & 21:7-8 & 23:23-27) (Leviticus: 12:2-5 & 25:44-46) (Numbers: 26:3-29 & 31:15-18)(Deuteronomy: 7:1-6 & 13:6-16 & 2:11-13 & 2:18-21 & 22:13-30 & 25:11-12 & 28:15-68 & 31:3-5)(Joshua: 6:20-21 & 8:1-6 & 10:12-14) (Judges: 19:22-24 1) (Samuel: 5-6)(2Samuel: 11-12) (1Kings: 14: 6-12 & 15:29-30 & 20:42 & 21:19)(2Kings: 1:16) (1Chronicles: 21:12)
(Ezra: 10:10-11) (Esther: 2:2-4)(Book of Job) (Ecclesiastes: 1:18 & 9:5-6) (Isaiah: 13:15-20)(Jeremiah: 19:9 & 3:2-3 & 7:32-34)
(Ezekiel: 3:20 & 4:12-13 & 6:3-7 & 14:12-14 & 16:38 & 23 & 25:17)


1.     Stone Age: precedes the Bronze Age and constitutes the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods; the period in human culture when stone implements were used.
2.     Agriculture: developed in Mesopotamia during the Neolithic period about 8,000 BCE
3.     Egyptian Dynasties: began 4500 BCE, during the Stone Age, and continued through the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
4.     Bronze Age: 3500-1000 BCE, a phase of human culture characterized by the introduction of bronze tools and weapons.
5.     Babylonian Empire: in the Tigris and Euphrates River valleys; was famous for its wickedness and flourished from 2100-500 BCE
6.     Biblical Period: about 2000 BCE-90 CE
7.     Ancient Israelites: King Josiah’s tribal propaganda put the Israelites in the Egyptian18th dynasty, about 1200 BCE, and King Solomon’s reign about 1000 BCE. Their actual history of the Israelites is known to be much simpler than King Josiah’s biblical fable.
8.     Hebrew Writing: first dated between 1200-1100 BCE
9.         Iron Age: 1000 BCE-100 CE
10.     Ancient Greece: began 776 BCE, during the Iron Age.
11.     Assyrian Empire: in the region of the upper Tigris River, extending from the head of the Persian Gulf to Egypt and Asia Minor and was at its height during 600 BCE.
12.      King Josiah of Judah: authored a tract of political & religious tribal propaganda during his reign from 640-609 BCE. It was later adopted by Ezra & Nehemiah as Judaism’s Holy Scriptures and adapted by St. Jerome as Christianity’s first canon and its precepts by Mohammed for his koran.
13.     Persian Empire: founded by Cyrus the Great in 500 BCE; it was the area now known as Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan and was conquered by Alexander the Great about 328 BCE
14.     Roman Republic: began 509 BCE
15.     Ezra and Nehemiah: in 444 BCE, adopted King Josiah’s propaganda as new Judaism’s Holy Scriptures, which included Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2Kings.
16.      Roman Empire: established 27 BCE; in 395 CE divided into Eastern & Western Roman Empires
17.     Jesus: born about 4-8 BCE; crucified about 29 CE
18.     Old Testament’s: completion by edict of the Rabbinical Council of Jamnia 90 CE
19.        End of Jewish State: 135 CE
20.      Christianity Established: 300- 400 CE
21.     Dark Ages: began 476-1000 CE; 500 years of European Christian fervor, intellectual stagnation, wide spread ignorance, poverty and cultural decline.
22.     Middle Ages: the period of European history, between ancient and modern times, 476 to 1450 CE
23.     The Enlightenment: an 18th century European philosophical movement characterized by rationalism, an impetus toward learning, and a spirit of skepticism and empiricism in social and political thought.
24.     Independence of American Colonies: 1776
25.     United States: our nation is 235 years old, however it has been 10,000 years since humankind first developed agriculture; 6,500 years since the first Egyptian dynasty; 2,600 years since King Josiah of Judah’s tribal propaganda; 2,454 years since Judaism’s establishment; about 1,650 years since Christianity was established and 1,400 years since Mohammed  claimed he received the Hebrew Angel Gabriel’s messages.


Regions controlled by the papacy have persistently tyrannized the Jews. Pope Innocent III, in early thirteenth century demanded they mark themselves as Jews with a particular type of headgear and in the seventeenth century, Pope Paul IV insisted that Jews be ostracized in special ghettos and wear yellow identification badges. They had not been allowed to own land, hold public office or work at most forms of trade. Church law forbade Christians to loan money at interest; Jews became licensed money lenders with interest rates defined by the Vatican.
During the European Middle Ages, (476 -1450), Jews were persecuted unmercifully; the problem originated with Christianity’s accusation that Jews had killed Jesus. “The Crusaders made it part of their mission to torment and kill Jews on their way to the Holy land”. The papacy’s repression of Jews persisted into nineteenth century Rome and during Pope Leo XIII’s reign more extreme forms of anti-Judaism erupted among Vatican clerics who alleged Jewish perfidy, obstinacy, etc.; reinforcing the Catholic view, “that the Jews were responsible for their own misfortune—a view that was to encourage Catholic Church officials in the 1930s to look the other way as Nazi anti-Semitism raged in Germany”, the most powerful Catholic community.
In 1933, Eugenio Pacelli, a Vatican’s Assistant Secretary of State, successfully negotiated an agreement between Adolph Hitler and Pope Pius XI which allowed the Vatican to select the German bishops, clergy, etc. with the state paying their salaries. Hitler acquiesced to the Vatican’s retention of religious authority only after the pope conceded that Hitler should have complete political authority. The Vatican’s Pacelli persuaded the German Bishops to disband the Catholic’s powerful Center Political Party, which assured Nazism’s successful rise to power unopposed by Catholicism. The agreement “created an area of trust that was particularly significant in the developing struggle against international Jewry”. Eugenio Pacelli was elected Pope Pius XII in 1939 on the eve of the Second World War.
The above information and quotations were gleaned from John Cromwell’s book, Hitler’s Pope. All Christians would benefit by reading Mr. Cromwell’s book. He says: “I applied for access to crucial material in Rome, assuring those who had charge of the archives that I was on the side of my subject. By the middle of 1997, nearing the end of my research, I found myself in a state I can only describe as moral shock. The material I had gathered, taking the more extensive view of Pacelli’s life, amounted not to exoneration but to a wider indictment”.
Cromwell’s book relates the Vatican’s version of future pope, Eugenio Pacelli’s constant involvement with Hitler’s final resolution for Germany’s Jewish population, which was the midtwentyth century Holocaust, where Christians were instrumental in killing six million innocent Jews, all due to envisioned ancient hatreds, fostered by their crucifixion of Jesus. When these six million Jews are added to the innumerable nonbelievers who were persecuted and killed throughout Christianity’s history, it refutes any claim they have to represent a sacred religion. Ignorance is inexcusable.
 I’ll also call attention to the Vatican’s midtwentyth century agreements with Italy’s Mussolini and Spain’s Franco; two other totalitarian dictators.
The following information and quotations are from the Holocaust Encyclopedia
“Since the night of ‘Broken Glass’ pogrom (Nov.9-10, 1938), the German government had sought to accelerate the pace of forced Jewish emigration—also hoping to exploit the unwillingness of other nations to admit large numbers of Jewish refugees to justify the Nazi regime’s anti-Jewish goals. On May 13, 1939, the German transatlantic liner, St. Louis, sailed from Hamburg, Germany, for Havana, Cuba with 937 refugees, most all were Jews fleeing from the Third Reich”. In addition, “two smaller ships, the French, Flandre, and the British, Orduna with a total of 176 Jewish refugees, sailed to Cuba in May 1939”; neither was allowed to dock in Cuba. The Flandre returned to France. “The Orduna proceeded to a series of Latin American ports; its 72 passengers finally disembarked in the U.S. controlled Canal Zone in Panama.  The United States eventually admitted most of them”.
“The majority of the (St. Louis’) Jewish passengers had applied for U.S. visas, and had planned to stay in Cuba only until they could enter the United States.—When the St Louis arrived in Havana harbor on May 27, the Cuban government admitted 28 passengers: 22 of them were Jewish and had valid U.S. visas; (of) the remaining six, four Spanish citizens and two Cuban nationals had valid entry documents. One further passenger, after attempting to commit suicide, was evacuated to a hospital in Havana The remaining 908 passengers (one passenger had died of natural causes in route)---743 had been waiting to receive U.S. visas. The Cuban government refused to admit them or allow them to disembark from the ship”. On June 2, the ship was ordered out of Cuban waters after the U.S.-based Jewish Joint Distribution Committee refused to post a $453,500 bond.
“Sailing so close to Florida that they could see the lights of Miami, some passengers on the St Louis cabled President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking for refuge. Roosevelt never responded.---A State Department telegram sent to a passenger stated that the passengers must ‘await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas before they may be admissible into the United States.---In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370 and was quickly filled. In fact, there was a waiting list of at least several years.”
“Following the U.S. government’s refusal to permit the passengers to disembark, the St. Louis sailed back to Europe on June 6, 1939. The passengers did not return to Germany. However, Jewish organizations, (particularly the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee), negotiated with four European governments to secure entry visas for the passengers”: Great Britain took 288; the Netherlands admitted 181; Belgium took in 214 and 224 found at least temporary refuge in France. One of Great Britain’s passengers was killed during an air raid in 1940. “Of the 620 passengers who returned to continent, 87 managed to emigrate before the German invasion of Western Europe in May 1940. (And) 532 were trapped when Germany conquered Western Europe. Just over half, 278, survived the Holocaust; 254 died: 84 who had been in Belgium; 84 who had found refuge in Holland, and 86 who had been admitted to France”. Brotherhood of man is impossible; religion divides us.


President Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, Proclaimed his Emancipation, of Black slaves in September 1863. President Lyndon B. Johnson convinced the U.S. Senate to approve the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and Voting Rights Act in 1965; his Democratic party abandoned him. The decision reversed the positions of our two major political parties. Southern segregationist had resisted efforts toward racial integration and fought this eventuality since the Civil War; they had always voted solidly Democratic. Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party sponsored the idea of integration, and when Blacks became eligible to vote and hold public offices, segregationist changed political party affiliations from Democrat to Republican. It was not limited to the South; ever since the Civil War, segregationists had migrated into the Midwest and far west; their movement into the Republican Party sufficiently controls the party’s platform. So the party that elected Abraham Lincoln and freed the slaves is now the Religious Right’s Segregationist party which fights integration.
The Democratic Party, now rid of the segregationist who voted against the Civil Rights Act is now controlled by moderate former Republicans who voted for the Act, but now fight Republican segregationists who voted against the Act, who now blame their old Democratic Party for opposing the Act, although they actually approved the Act. The reversal of political platforms in addition to Religious Right Coalition’s intrusion into politics during the past fifty years has seriously divided our electorate. Voting and legislating have deteriorated into confused contests controlled unilaterally; minus bipartisanship, creating excruciating awkward political situations.
Our nation’s constitution is the world’s initial endeavor to meld the spirit
 of religion with the ideas of independence, freedom and equality. As we all know, its success was not fully achieved until after our midnineteenth century Civil War and our midtwentyth century’s Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. But it is beginning to unravel; Christian televangelists via their hot-line to God have convinced their millions of ignorant misguided, segregationist viewers that Christian leadership is necessary in our state and our federal governments. The Religious Right Coalition’s persistent campaign of obduracy in our Congress and Senate, plus its use of religion to stir up discontent, in the multitudes, smells a lot like sedition.


A news article many months ago explained: to that date, the total cost of the U.S’. Afghanistan-Iraq invasion exceeded one trillion dollars, which is 1000 billion dollars and a billion is equal to the number of seconds of time in 31.668 years, so a trillion equals the number of seconds in 31,668 years, an unimaginable treasure which could have provided 10 million students with a college education at 100,000 dollars each. In addition to our wasted wealth, 4000+, young Americans were killed and 20,000+, permanently crippled. So far, that’s what political and religious revenge has cost us. Had we not succumbed to the taunt of Islam’s extremists on 9/11 how costly might it have been? President George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to bring order to the Middle East, with its oil and religious terrorism; it’s reminiscent of the failure of the twelfth-thirteenth centuries’ Crusades. Our failure has been much more destructive and with a greater loss of lives, treasure, etc. Apparently we have a tiger by the tail and are afraid to turn it loose. Islamic radicals wanted this war and hope to continue it indefinitely. Their goal: worldwide sharai law, as they believe “Allah”  requires the war to rid the world of infidels. Their game: bankrupt secular nations with terrorism. Their method: goading secular nations into self-destruction by responding to their terrorism, which is proving successful and they are not apt to abandon the ploy. Our President’s eagerness to respond to their 9/11 bait has brought the Islamic regimes’ desired results. In addition to our cost in lives and treasure for religious revenge, it has broken the back of our Army’s ground forces, reduced any prestige we may have enjoyed in world affairs, stiffened the resolve of the terrorists and aggravated our god problem. Kevin Phillips, in his book, American Theocracy says: “In the months after 9-11 Washington could have shaped a multilateral response able to maintain much of the goodwill volunteered to the United States in the wake of the shocking attacks, instead the administration’s response was fundamentalist, unilateralist, and Manichean, trumpeting—briefly even termed a ‘crusade’—pitting good against evil. The invasion and occupation of Iraq, another poorly planned agenda, provided an environment that enabled overseas terrorism and radicalism to renew itself around a more acceptable anti-American cause. If terrorism remains center stage in a Middle Eastern war of attrition, that battle could last long enough—flaring into guerrilla wars and even civil wars—to wear the United States down militarily and economically. Osama bin Laden has hinted at exactly these hopes”.


We are fortunate; our founding fathers, a prudent rational group of deists, free of religion’s irrationality, managed to reorganize England’s thirteen American Colonies into the independent United States of America, with a constitution dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, embracing the idea of an open society, welcoming immigrants of all races and religions while avoiding the tragic traps of a deadly state religion.
Adventuresome ambitious people come to the United States; immigration has benefitted us immeasurably. Our universities attract foreign students who, in turn, provide the world’s scientists, educators, business people, etc. We need more smart citizens and should welcome & encourage the world’s intellectuals to become U.S. citizens. One fourth of National Academy of Sciences’ members are foreign born. We are at a disadvantage, presently due to our continuing religious wars of revenge in Iraq and Afghanistan plus an electorate that is religious, anti-intellectual and misinformed by conservative radio talk shows. James Madison, our nation’s fourth president, warned, in the Federalist Papers, that religion’s control of government would destroy our democracy.
In a recent issue of ATLANTIC, James Fallows observes:“ The United States has in the past decade committed $1 trillion to the cause of entirely remaking a society. We know that such an investment could happen here—but we also know that it won’t. That is the American tragedy of the early 21st century: a vital and self-renewing culture that attracts the world’s talent and a governing system that increasingly looks like a joke. The most charitable statement of the problem is that the American government is a victim of its own success. It has survived in more or less recognizable form over more than two centuries—long enough to become mismatched to the real circumstances of the nation. Gradually but persistently, special interest groups nibble at our nation’s total wealth via tax breaks, special appropriations, etc. No single nibble is that dramatic or burdensome, but over time they threaten to convert any stable democracy into a big inefficient, favor ridden state”.
Our United States of America has a democratically elected, representative type of government with a constitution, a president and a bicameral legislature; Congressional membership is proportional to our population. Each state has 2 Senate votes. “More than half of all Americans live in the 10 most populous states—which account for only 20 of the Senate’s 100 votes. California, our most populous state has 69 times as many people as Wyoming, our least populous; yet each has only 2 votes in the Senate. Since it takes 60 votes in the Senate to break a filibuster on controversial legislation, 41 votes is, in effect, a blocking minority”. This denies the benefits of majority rule.
Without a propensity for tolerating and managing differences, rival groups can easily reduce democracy to a ruthless struggle for power that ultimately wears down liberal institutions”.


(Adapted from Kevin Phillips’ American Theocracy: The Perils and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money In The 21st Century)
United States’ manufacturing economy created America’s middle class by employing some 17 million out of 68 million available workers. Since 1980 manufacturing has been out-sourced and our national leaders have kept interest rates low, encouraging us to borrow and spend. “Consumerism” and its complex of services; namely: Financial, Insurance and Real Estate, (known as FIRE) has displaced manufacturing as our major economy. Although the U.S. financial services economy provides a substantial income for the wealthiest segment of our society, in 2004 it only employed about 8 million out of the 131 million available workers. In 2000, the FIRE sector of our economy increased to 20% of gross domestic product, exceeding manufacturing. FIRE’s combined assets in 2004 were $45.3 trillion, their earnings were 44% of all U.S. profits and an American filed for bankruptcy every 15 seconds. By year’s end consumer debt represented 85.7% of GDP; overall, the U.S. economy added $2.7 trillion in debt. The above transformation is the result of thirty years of federal regulatory dismantling that unleashed credit vendors to take advantage of humanity’s greed and gullibility. Consumer spending accounts for around 70% of our gross domestic product and borrowing to consume is at the heart of U.S’. current account deterioration The top one percent of Americans in 2000 had as much disposable (after tax) income as the bottom 35 percent. Our unemployment rate is accelerating and our self-evident income disparity is another historically proven problem that presently threatens our middle class, in addition to the loss of manufacturing jobs. This will lead to some kind of rebellion by the growing numbers of young people entering the job market in addition to the long-time unemployed, of whom many are filing for bankruptcy but may also lose their heavily mortgaged homes.
FIRE contributed $1.3 billion (1990-2000) to national elections: As debt became more important, lenders became more important, more powerful; and more influential over the policies chosen to regulate and control the financial services complex. It continues to feed on our downward spiral of religiosity and wars.
From 1980 to 2005, while the U.S’. economy was undergoing financialization, Germany, Switzerland and Japan, each had stronger growth rates than the U.S., due to their ability to manufacture and export very high quality merchandise.
European history is replete with self-sufficient nations whose leaders became ambitious and wanted more; they challenged other nations, while embracing and accentuating their religiosity and accumulated debt; at the same time, ignoring their reduced capability to design and manufacture products the world needed. Instead of creating new wealth they invested in military adventurism. The banking industry is a consequence of new wealth and prosperity which is created by agriculture, mining, manufacturing, etc. Banking can’t create new wealth, but only manages, packages, trades and accumulates it.


“Knowledge is based upon innumerable experiments by world scientists. It has greatly benefitted humanity, and the vitality of scientific knowledge to society and culture, plus its role in shaping who we are and who we will become is invaluable.. Scientific exploitation began in medieval England when followers of Sir Francis Bacon met to hear a lecture by Christopher Wren, a young astronomer,(1660); the inauspicious beginning, culminated in Britain’s Royal Society and America’s Academy of Sciences”.
The ignorance embedded in religion’s ancient sorcery fights development of science although science is based upon proven facts while religion is free of facts; supported only by blind faith in spurious beliefs.


Greetings, dear reader, I’m so very proud of you because you have an open mind, are curious and eager to learn; otherwise you would not be reading this. Your comprehension of my exploration of the origins of the Judaic god and holy books proves you are better informed about this matter than some eighty percent of our world’s people; congratulations!
I have no faith in the three Abrahamic religions spawned by King Josiah. Judaism, Christianity and Muslimism, together, have exterminated millions of people simply because they were apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers or proposed other gods. In addition they adopted his vengeful dogma and preached intolerance & hate plus fighting innumerable religious conflicts, including Islamic regimes’ present sectarian terrorism. Today, a minority of our world’s people is wise enough to dismiss religion’s fictitious gods; but most need to be better educated in philosophy and science to develop our knowledge. Ignorance developed religions; they thrive on it, and in turn, beget more of it. In all the history of religions, they’ve not added to our trove of knowledge. Will the Religious Right’s stupidity, e.g., Mideast wars, financial meltdown, etc. be our future? Or will people awake and see that religion denigrates knowledge, and accentuates the supernatural, because knowledge will expose religion’s vulnerable underbelly. Is this why we are unable to enact the proper regulations for elementary & secondary schools and thereby better educate our children? Religions would restrict science studies including biology, medicine, etc. and replace with Christian mythology. Fallacious beliefs cannot help; they demean and handicap us.
  My faith is in REALITY, i.e., NATURE’S immutable forces and scientific principles, including evolution’s slow progression. Discovered by our world’ scientists, the forces control all life. They control the motions of the planets, and enabled mathematicians, astronomers, and other scientists to develop productive concepts; beginning with the lever and the wheel; also steam engines, electricity, trains, automobiles, airplanes, computers, space flight and wireless transmission which makes possible: radios, televisions, and ubiquitous electronic gadgets. Man did not create the forces, he only discovered them. A superhuman power center is not in control, because the forces are not demeaning or fickle. They neither promise redemption nor threaten damnation; so nature’s ramifications created me. I don’t worship nature, but I appreciate and respect its bountiful sustenance, wondrous beauty, and abhor its consistent despoliation. Abrahamic faiths’ tyrannical male gods were created by men, and are their arrogant attempt to explain the universe’s existence. Christianity’s self-inflicted Dark Ages, (476-1000), judged scientists, whose discoveries questioned Church doctrine, to be heretics and punished or murdered them.
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, absolute monarchy triumphed over the ruins of European Middle Ages’ oligarchical and feudal liberties. And the rights of man were completely confounded in the midst of Europe’s splendor and its literature. Ideas concerning liberty, political activity and freedom of religion were minimal. At that time in America, independence from England plus freedom from church-state tyranny were uppermost in the minds of all citizens. Humble communities put the boldest theories of human reason into practice. The bible’s death-dealing “God” had enforced the tyranny of monarchs, but people continued worshipping the aberration and through community service, developed our Religion-Lite industry.
All gods are the speculations of men, a possibility remains for the discovery of a universal power-center, if one actually exists, i.e., a deity such as Deists’ worship. Nature’s immutable forces, scientific principles, etc. accommodate the idea. Religions’ illusions threaten unbelievers with eternal tortures in hell and promise salvation in heaven to those who profess a blind faith in the bible’s speculative gods; promoting the vengeful dogma of King Josiah’s god, Yahweh, plus the subsequent Jesus fantasy. Our mystery: why people continue groveling on their knees, worshipping the god-ideas of primitive and ancient monarchs. Gods are not a mystery; there is plentiful evidence that exposes ambitious, vindictive, rapacious leaders as the conjurers who proclaimed fearsome gods in order to promote their malevolent careers. If some day, humankind’s scientific community discovers or develops, in more detail, the concept of the “big bang” theory, only then will we learn more. The bible’s “God” is the fraudulent Yahweh described in the biblical fable composed by King Josiah’s team of scholars in seventh century BCE. If you are discerning, alert and open minded, you will heed what I say.
Primitive men rationalized that their incomprehensible universe had a human in control; it’s analogous to the word processer, on which I’m typing this treatise—I’m unable to comprehend its miraculousness—there must be a god inside the electronic device reading as I type, thoughtfully coaching my grammar, spelling, keeping records, etc. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Quote is Arthur C. Clarke’s: third law from his: Profiles of the Future. It is “human to error”; some people imagine they’re burdened with “original sin”; subjected to daily scrutiny, by “God”.
Despite the perfidious unforgivable history of the Abrahamic religions we must thank Religion-Lites for the extensive efforts their members have made since the Enlightenment to provide schools and help for their needy members plus hospitals for communal use, but I extend them no credit for their extensive, self-promotional proselyting missionary work as I think burdening the innocent with original sin and false promises, is abhorrent.
I’m unaware of the percentage of men who live to be 94, but advanced age has helped me realize a few important things I had never thought about; especially how much more tolerant and understanding we become after our testis haven’t functioned for decades, and our libido is a faint memory. Our brain is then devoid of extracurricular demands and surprises us with its great interest in life’s occult mysteries. It is then we finally realize how sagacious, discerning and astute our women really are, and how stupid we young men had been, to blame their subjugation on the bible. Denigration by a specious, male god subjugated female brains, plus attenuating male brains, which were under the influence of our testis. We obediently ignored women’s brains and compliantly accentuated their sexuality; conforming to nature’s system. All of our planet’s life-forms, from microscopic viries to the largest mammals reproduce, mutate and develop evolutionarily.
Wisdom isn’t limited to experienced adults; a grandson, Samuel T. 3rd, at age five asked his parents if religion wasn’t make-believe. A four year old granddaughter, Sidonie, was stumping me with numerous riddles, so I asked her: which came first, the chicken or the egg. After a few seconds of thought, she inquired if I knew the story about Noah’s ark. I allowed as how I did and she said, “You know how all the animals had to march on the ark two by two; well an egg can’t march”. To further questions she said, “Everybody knows an egg can’t march”.
My apology if my thoughts offend you. I feel strongly about religion as a “born-again” electorate can easily convert our democracy into a theocracy; historically and presently all theocracies have been tyrannical. However, I have not treated religion as it warrants, as its irrational absurdity more appropriately calls for caricature and ridicule, but I have been truthful.
I am writing this particular paragraph in September, 2011; I began writing this treatise with a ball point pen in September, 2008, a month after my 91st birthday. Sometime later my grandson, Bradley Hess provided this computerized word-processer and guided me. I was 94 in August and have just finished the first month of my 95th year. I live alone in Plano, Texas, a part of greater-Dallas. Officially, I am in hospice with visiting nurses, etc.  The first year after my wife, Marie expired in August, 2007 was devoted to producing my Recollections & Reminiscence, of 35,600 words. I do not have a television, radio or an internet connection, but I do have a Kindle, and therewith order my magazines, books, etc. from Amazon and adjust the font size on the Kindle to be very large, solving a major vision impairment.
As a free-thinking nonagenarian secularist living alone in H. L. Mencken’s “bible belt”, I realize it is unwise to expound upon my neighbors’ foibles; but, such is life; they are Christian people; many convinced nonbelievers are the devil’s workers; unreliable and should go to Hell----immediately!----Maybe a religious idiot will ring my doorbell and announce: “God sent me”!
I must admit to exceptions; the ones who watch over me are kind generous individuals, and I love them all.
We do not have a “God”, so I am offering Ingersoll’s Vow as my expression:
“When I became convinced that the Universe is natural—that all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell, the dungeon was flooded with light, and all the bolts and bars, and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world—not even in infinite space. I was free—free to think, to express my thoughts—free to live to my own ideal—free for myself and those I loved—free to use all my faculties, all my senses—free to spread imagination’s wings—free to investigate, to guess and dream and hope—free to judge and determine for myself—free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the “inspired” books that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of the past—free from popes and priests—free from all the “called” and “set apart”—free from the fear of eternal pain—free from the winged monsters of the night—free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free. There were no prohibited places in all the realms of thought—no air or space where fancy could not spread its painted wings—no chains for my limbs—no lashes for my back—no fires for my flesh—no master’s frown or threat—no following another’s steps—no need to bow, cringe, or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free. I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously, faced all worlds”.
“And then my heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for the liberty of hand and brain—for the freedom of labor and thought—to those who died in dungeons bound with chains—to those who proudly mounted scaffold’s stairs—to those whose bones were crushed, whose flesh was scarred and torn—to those by fire consumed—to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land, whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of man. And then I vowed to grasp the torch that they had held, and hold it high, that light might conquer darkness still”. Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)
An American lawyer and lecturer on agnosticism.